Perhaps you've noticed that you can be annoying to some people and that they don't take it well, usually choosing to ignore you or avoid you altogether. Or even worse, you've been told how annoying you are. If this is the case, don't panic; you can do something about it.
Keep reading below to find out how you can be a less annoying person and what signs to look out for to identify if you're annoying without waiting for someone to point it out to you.
How to Be a Less Annoying Person

1. Avoid asking personal questions.
Try to avoid asking financial questions. Don't ask about their salaries or how poorly their job pays them. Also, avoid asking about someone's recent breakup. They're probably trying to forget what happened, and it'll just make them uncomfortable if they don't want to talk about it. A good rule of thumb is to avoid asking anything you wouldn't want them to ask you.
2. Avoid trying to be the center of attention all the time.
Anytime you join a conversation, avoid stealing the spotlight and becoming the center of attention. No one likes the person who makes it all about them, who's talking the whole time and won't let anyone else get a word in, or the person who is too loud. Keep your tone and volume in check to make you enjoyable to talk to.
3. Take care of your appearance.
Some people might not want to engage with you because of your appearance. Trying to maintain a presentable appearance will help so that others don't want to avoid you.
If you're not sure what you could do to improve, ask someone you trust, but remember not to be upset and take everything they say as constructive criticism.
4. Don't share great success with others.
If you're unfamiliar with someone, you shouldn't be sharing your successes with them as they might not have achieved the same level of success as yours, which could make them feel bad. This could make them think you like to brag, making them feel annoyed.
5. Avoid bad talking.
Avoid talking badly about others, especially if they're not there. People know that if you talk negatively about someone when they're not there, you probably talk about them when they're not there too. This will make them distance themselves from you because it's an annoying trait.
6. Acknowledge others' successes publicly.
Let others hear how excited you are for someone's success or achievements. People like being around other people who cheer them on and support them.
7. Avoid being negative.
If you want to be less annoying, try to be less negative. When you are positive, even if you talk too much or people find you annoying, it will help them find you less annoying. Radiating positivity can go a long way. So be conscious of what you say, and try to think before you speak.
8. Respect the people you are with.
Respect is another thing that will help people find you less annoying. If you aren't respectful, it can be incredibly annoying for someone to spend time with you or even engage in a conversation with you. By being polite and respectful, it will instantly decrease how annoying you are.
Signs You Are Annoying

1. Your friends avoid you.
Your friends are avoiding you for a reason, and it's because you're annoying. They don't want to spend time with you or talk to you.
2. People don't consider your ideas or opinions.
If people aren't considerate about what you want or what you think, it's because they think you and all of your ideas are annoying. They don't want to consider what you have to say because they don't like your ideas.
3. People try to end conversations as soon as they can.
If you notice that people try to end conversations with you quickly, they probably find you annoying. No one wants to spend more time talking to someone they think is annoying.
4. You're typically not invited to places.
If you feel like all of your friends are doing things together and you only find out after the fact, through pictures, or because someone was talking about it in front of you, they don't want you there because of your annoying personality.
5. A good friend brought up your annoying personality.
If someone is telling you you are annoying, don't fight back. Accept that they find you annoying, and take it as an opportunity. They aren't trying to be mean by telling you this; they are trying to help you fix it.
6. People talk over you.
People are probably talking over you because they don't value what you have to say or respect you enough to let you talk anyway. They think you're annoying and don't want to listen to you.
7. You always interrupt others.
If you're always interrupting others, or you get told that you interrupt a lot, take it as a sign that you have an annoying personality. You're never letting anyone finish what they have to say before sharing what you have to say, and everyone is tired of it.
8. You don't have a lot of friends.
If you don't have a lot of friends, it could very well be because you're annoying. It's hard to make friends if you're annoying, and it's hard to keep them too. People tend to distance themselves when they don't like you.
9. You're always the one to reach out.
You may have noticed that your friends are never asking you to do things, and you're always the one to make plans with them. If that's the case, it's likely because you're annoying and they don't really want to do something with you, but they also don't mind hanging out with you; it's just never going to be their idea.
10. It doesn't feel like people care about you.
Take it as a sign that you're annoying if you feel people don't care about you. They probably care about you, but you make it hard for them to do so. They're so focused on avoiding you because they find you annoying and don't want to have to interact with you that they don't make an effort to show they care.
11. You complain a lot.
Think about how often you complain, how much of your conversation is made up of complaints, and how many times you dump things on other people. If you feel like you're doing this a lot, that's probably why people find you annoying.
12. You're negative.
Nobody likes to be around someone negative. If all you do is complain about everything and have a bad attitude, people will find you annoying. Everyone gets stressed and has to deal with difficulties in their life, but they know when to keep it to themselves and when it's okay to share.
13. You have bad hygiene.
You can be annoying for many reasons, including smelling bad. If you have bad breath, it can be annoying to talk to you and have to smell it. Check to see if that's what people find annoying about you, and try to be cleaner to see if it makes a difference.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Am I annoying or is it just social anxiety? Sometimes, if you have social anxiety, you might think you're annoying, but you're really not. You're just afraid that you are bothering someone or that someone doesn't like you. However, if someone points out that you are annoying, then you really are. You can also use the list of signs we've provided and see if any apply to your situation.
- Will I always be annoying? No. If you work on your annoying qualities and try to fix them, you won't always be annoying. You can learn how to not be annoying, but you have to actively try to change it. Don't be discouraged if it takes time for people to stop finding you annoying. They might assume that you're not trying to change, and it might take time for them to give you a chance as a not so annoying person.
- Can I find other people annoying too? Of course. Just because you are annoying doesn't mean no one can annoy you. Use this in your favor, analyze what you find annoying about that person, and see if you do the same thing to annoy those around you. This will help you become more aware of your annoying traits from a different perspective.
Wrapping it up
Having an annoying personality isn't the end of the world, but you do need to try to become more aware of yourself and make the necessary improvements if you want to have friends or keep your friends around.
Be understanding, and put yourself in their shoes. You probably wouldn't like it if they were always complaining or never let you finish your sentence, so do something about it before it's too late.
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