A lot of people would agree that women talk more than men. In fact, there is a stereotypical idea of how men and women communicate. It clearly reflects that communication matters more to women than men. From a different point of view, it is believed that women talk more to gain emotional connection, while men talk primarily to accomplish something.
According to Dr. Louann Brizendine, author of The Female Brain, women speak approximately 20,000 words per day compared to men, who speak only around 7,000. This essentially mirrors the stereotype of women speaking three times more than men do. In line with this research, studies also reveal that men like to talk about things and various fields of interest, while women prefer to talk about people, feelings, and relationships.
Moreover, men generally communicate to inform, prove their independence and knowledge about a certain topic, and express their status. On the other hand, women talk to build up cooperation, express their thoughts and opinions, and share something that greatly interests them. Based on these ideas, we can also agree that women like to talk whenever they are excited and happy.
Perhaps it's common knowledge that many women love to have girl talks and gossip sessions with their exclusive "girl squad". These are just some of the basis behind the women's clubs and organizations within the elite communities. However, not all women talk a lot. Some are unassertive, reserved, and quiet.
Research reveals that being talkative and outspoken is directly related to one's social status. In a particular setting wherein a conversation takes place, those from a higher status tend to talk more. They are generally more sociable and expressive of their opinions.
This observation implies that women who are rich, influential, and part of the elite society are more communicative in most formal and public settings.
Many other reasons explain why some women talk so much. These include environmental and economic factors, familial upbringing, nature of work, and various external influences that include friends, colleagues, and social circles.
Here are some pointers that suggest why women talk so much and the reasons why they are more vocal about their feelings;
1. Age Is a Factor

Young girls are more talkative primarily because their brains have something to do with it. According to the Journal in Neuroscience which was published by the University of Maryland School of Medicine, young girls have an overabundance of protein associated with language development.
This is one of the scientific explanations why younger women, especially teens, are more talkative and responsive to their peers.
Among mature women, being talkative has something to do with their experience level in their chosen field. For example, career women in the corporate world between the ages of 30 and 50 tend to be more sociable and communicative than those in their early 20's.
2. Blame It on Their Environment

Women who grew up in a big family where everyone constantly communicates will most likely be more talkative than those who belong in a small family. Just the same, young girls who are very close to their siblings and those who are regularly in close contact with their relatives have more chances of becoming more communicative as they grow older.
Family environment plays a crucial role in a girl's ability to talk and interact with other people. A household that maintains open communication and encourages everyone to participate in discussions can make each member more expressive and vocal about their thoughts and opinions.
Aside from having many people to communicate within the household, a woman can also become more talkative if she lives in a sociable community. For instance, constant interaction with the neighbors, taking charge of certain tasks, and running errands for her parents can all make her more communicative due to her dynamic roles.
3. Lifestyle and Daily Routine

Women who like to party, host events, and attend social gatherings tend to talk more than those who live a quiet life. Apparently, having many people around and persistently being a part of various social events can immensely develop a woman's ability to speak, chat, and gossip.
Lifestyle and daily routine could be some of the main reasons why women talk so much. They never run out of topics to talk about is a major factor as to why they can't stop babbling. In this case, blame it on their consistent exposure to people, events, and the latest happenings.
4. Women Usually Find More Reason to Talk

Women will most likely complain incessantly about their partner leaving the toilet seat up, while the other won't even mind putting it up every time it's down. Moreover, women are the ones who will most likely nag whenever there are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink or whenever the house is a mess.
The point is that women usually find more reasons to talk and verbalize their feelings. They are naturally more in-tune about what they like and what they don't like. Moreover, women also tend to pay close attention to specific details, that they end up getting obsessed about maintaining things in that order all the time.
Putting things in a state of disarray or contradicting her standards can only trigger serious disagreements. Thus, speaking their minds whenever something bothers or annoys them is practically second nature to them.
5. High Level of Intellect

One of the reasons why some women talk so much is because of their high level of intellect. Almost anyone can relate to this because we know for a fact that the amount of knowledge we have about a certain topic determines how much we can talk about it.
Many women who are knowledgeable about a certain subject can unceremoniously talk about it as if it's the most natural thing to do. Such conversations could be anything from academics to special skills, all the way to current events and fashion.
Furthermore, a highly intelligent and smart woman can communicate her ideas most convincingly. Likewise, she can contribute something relevant to the conversation, whether it's factual data or a personal opinion. Therefore, it makes sense to conclude that a well-educated and outspoken woman will definitely have a lot to say.
6. They Have a Strong Personality

One of the most probable reasons why women talk a lot is because they have strong personalities. They are not afraid to express their thoughts and opinions about something that interests or bothers them. Such women don't get troubled over the idea of making a bad impression as long as they can express themselves.
So if you happen to meet a woman who is not reluctant at all to speak her mind, the chances are that she has a strong personality.
Women with strong personalities are not necessarily ill-mannered or arrogant. They are simply more vocal about their sentiments and points of view. They know exactly what they want, and they can stick to their principles. So forget about making contradictions, because you can always agree to disagree.
Otherwise, you'll end up talking non-stop without getting anywhere because a woman with a strong personality will stand on her ground no matter what. As expected, she will always have the last word.
7. They Are More Expressive of Their Thoughts and Feelings

One of the reasons why women talk so much is because they are more expressive by nature. It is generally rare for guys to become a complete blabbermouth even in the face of excitement and extreme emotions. Most of the time, the women talk a lot or even nag and rant about their sentiments.
A woman who is in love, broken-hearted, or bored will most likely call her friends to share her joy, find comfort, and have a sense of reassurance. Talking is a way of life for most women because it enables them to understand their feelings better.
It's like an ultimate lifeline for them because it gives them a sense of attachment, affinity to others, and consolation when things get rough.
8. Occupational Influence and Working Conditions

Women working as sales clerks, HR personnel, Public Relations executive, and insurance/real estate agents will most likely talk a lot. Their line of work significantly enhances their ability to communicate and express themselves as they adapt to their working environment. These women are usually outspoken, friendly, and responsive to conversations.
Contrary to women whose jobs don't require constant interaction with people and those who work from home, women who work in a sociable environment are more communicative. Talking and establishing rapport is essentially part of their job, and they eventually develop strong communication skills. With time, being chatty and conversational becomes a part of their personality as well.
9. High Level of Sensitivity

Most women demonstrate a heightened level of sensitivity. Once you hit a nerve, they react almost immediately. So expect to hear a string of remarks and bouts of melodramatic episodes once this happens.
For example, commenting about her weight gain can instantaneously provoke her, and it would take a while before you hear the end of it. Such a level of sensitivity is common among women. Apparently, the more sensitive a woman is, the more likely that you'll hear her emotional tirades.
If you're quite unlucky, you might as well brace yourself for the dramatic outbursts that could turn into an explosion.
10. Women Think Differently Than Men

It doesn't take an expert to recognize that women think, act, and communicate differently than men. Science has an explanation for this. Years of research proves that the male and female brain have different structures. These structural differences determine how these two genders think and respond to situations.
The variations also identify how they communicate. Evidently, the female brain is structured in such a way that favors verbal communication. Be aware that this has nothing to do with their intellectual performance. The main point is that males and females reach similar ends via different means. This becomes more recognizable with how frequently they talk and verbalize their thoughts in a given situation.
Women think differently than men could be a major factor as to why women talk a lot. Their mindset, attention to detail, and sensitivity makes it possible for them to absorb more information. As a result, they can impart more to a conversation.
11. Overprotective Nature and Strong Maternal Instinct

Women can think of countless reasons to speak their mind, and one of them is to protect their loved ones and safeguard their interests. According to research, women tend to talk more in certain situations where they have to sustain their relationships, protect their children, and defend their rights.
These responses come out almost instinctively whenever they try to speak for their marriage, families, friends, and people they wish to maintain.
On the other hand, men talk more in situations where their pride, ego, and influence are at stake. Based on these findings, it becomes more apparent that men and women have different motivations to speak. This is also the reason why in every relationship, it is the woman who talks more. Her overprotective nature has something to do with her behavior.
The same thing applies in every household. The overprotective nature of a woman explains her strong authority in disciplining her child, questioning her husband's whereabouts and keeping the family together.
In Conclusion
There are a lot of reasons and explanations as to why women talk more. From neuroscience to behavioral psychology, it is evident that women are more expressive of their feelings, thoughts, and ideas.
There are actual figures that reveal the amount of words that a woman can speak in a day (20,000) in comparison to a man (7,000). However, being more responsive and expressive is very much different from being talkative. Under certain circumstances where the male ego is at stake, men can speak the same amount of words.
Therefore, we should consider that women are stereotyped as more talkative based merely on certain scenarios. In truth and reality, men and women can speak the same amount of words. They simply have different motivations in doing so.
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