Most of the time, it's hard to tell if a girl likes you or not. Perhaps, she's just nice and friendly; or maybe she enjoys the pleasure of your company. It is also possible she's just naturally gifted with charm and people are naturally drawn to her, and she willingly entertains them.
Apparently, it's sometimes hard to tell if a girl is flirting with you or is simply showing signs of fondness. It is always possible that she sees you as a friend or someone she's comfortable with, and that's all there is. So how much are you willing to risk finding out if she likes you more than just a friend? Are you willing to risk the kind of friendship you already have?
If you value your existing connection, it becomes extremely challenging to make a move and assume that she likes you. Additionally, it also gets more difficult to approach and ask her out straight up. We can all agree that it's not easy to deal with being "Friend-zoned" especially if you are certain that you have feelings for her and see her as more than just a friend. In such cases, telling a girl that you like her might put you in an unstable position, or worse, an awkward situation.
However, it's also very uncool and quite cowardice to stay on the sidelines when she might already have feelings for you, and is just actually waiting for you to make that first brave move. So how can you tell if taking a huge leap would be worth it?
Let's uncover the 10 strongest signs that she's really into you, and let's find out exactly how to know if a girl likes you or not.
1. She Doesn't Mind Doing Things for You.

A favor may be too much for somebody who's not interested in you unless they can get something out of it. However, for someone who likes you, it's basically not a big deal at all. In fact, they would be very happy and willing to give you anything that's within their power.
If you want to know if she's got the hots for you, try asking her for a small favor. It could be some help with a project or report, an opinion about something that you're concerned about, or the pleasure of her company if you're feeling down.
If she agrees to help you out, don't be too quick to conclude that she's smitten by your charm or that she's head over heels with you. Remember that there's a very thin line between being nice and being romantically interested.
It may also depend on the kind of favor that you're asking. If she agrees to go the extra mile with you, then the chances are that you're on the bright side of things.
2. She Makes an Effort to See You.

If a girl is willing to drop some of her plans just to spend time with you, then "yes", she likes you. A girl won't go through odds and ends to be with a guy she doesn't like. You have to be someone really special to make her exert some effort to see you and be with you.
You can try out this simple test with a girl you like. Pretend to be in some sort of trouble and in dire need of someone to talk to and hang out with. Make sure that you're in a believable and convincing situation before asking her to come and see you. The last thing that you'd want to happen is for her to find out that you're just making things up to test her feelings for you.
So try to be mindful of how you'll handle this test.
If she's willing to go out of her way to be with you and console you, consider yourself lucky because there's a good chance that she's crazy about you.
3. She Entertains Your Calls and Answers Your Text Messages Right Away.

Does she answer all your calls or, at least, calls you back if she happens to miss your call? How long does it take for her to answer your text messages, or does she answer them at all? How she deals with your communication process can tell a lot if a girl likes you or not.
Moreover, it's practically as clear as the daylight that she likes you if she's showing interest in talking to you on the phone or in answering your text messages.
Needless to say, if you're not having a hard time reaching out to her via phone or text messages, then it is indicative that you might have a chance. Try chatting with her at the end of the day and see how she handles it.
If she entertains you, makes you feel welcome, and responds warmly, then that's a reason enough for you to jump for joy. You may also start believing that you have a good chance with her.
4. She Always Tries to Look Good for You.

Of course, a guy can tell if a girl is making an effort to look good for him. It could be as simple as being self-conscious about how she laughs and moves, periodically fixing her hair and clothes, checking on her appearance for a split second whenever she gets the chance, and consciously making sexy gestures that add up to her appeal.
All of these signs indicate that a girl is trying to make an impression. It's quite obvious for some girls and comes out naturally for others. In some, that hint of self-consciousness when they are with a guy they like says it all.
Try to pay attention to her physical appearances like her hairstyle, outfit, and makeup. A hint of perfume might also mean something. These are just some of the things that most women pay attention to, particularly if they are anticipating a face-to-face encounter with a guy they like.
Knowing a lot about her personality can help you determine if she's putting an extra effort to look good for you.
5. You Feel the Chemistry Between You.

Have you heard about the saying that physical attraction is something that you cannot fake or ignore? Well, the same thing goes for chemistry. If it's there, you won't be able to conceal it. So try to feel the weight of her presence and see if there's something about it that communicates her attraction towards you.
It may not come out as something very obvious, but you'll somehow feel it in your gut if you have the slightest chance. So have a little faith in your gut feeling. The male intuition may not be as strong as the female intuition, but you certainly have it.
Being a bit more sensitive with her gestures, body language, and stares might just reveal something; and give you that much-needed push to confront your feelings for her.
6. You Feel (or Catch) Her Staring at You.

How often do you catch her looking your way? Do your eyes meet often? Eye contact could mean more than just accidental and random eye-gaze because the eyes communicate many things. If you'll look closely and interpret each eye contact, it is possible to see love, longing, and admiration.
So try to be more receptive and sensitive every time your eyes meet because it could mean that she's urging you to approach her.
If you feel or catch her staring at you, and it's happening more than once or twice, it's safe to say that she's attracted to you.
Perhaps, she's waiting for you to make a move, and it's her way of giving you the signal.
7. She Tries to Make You Feel Jealous.

Jealousy is a game that girls (and women) like to play with. Sometimes, it's their own way of telling you to move fast, or you'll lose your chance. Men get easily threatened whenever they see competition, and that's the time that they get more aggressive and competitive.
This could be the reason why some girls like to use other guys to catch the attention of the boy they like. A little jealousy might speed things up since there's a competition going on with other guys.
Do you notice her getting closer to the other guys whenever you're around and makes sure that you're aware of it? Well, it's about time that you make that bold move to grab her before someone else does. So yes, girls playing with jealousy could mean; "catch me while you still can or it would be too late".
8. She's Subtly Flirting With You.

Thank the heavens for the subtle art of flirting. This is probably the surest sign that a girl is into you. What are the subtle signs of flirting? If you're too naïve to know, you need to understand that girls are naturally gifted with the ability to draw men's attention – just like a magic spell.
It could be how they walk across a room, the way they flip their hair, the way they bite their lip, or the way they gracefully run their finger around the rim of their wine glass.
For some girls, exposing some skin does the trick; like putting their hair on one side to reveal their neck, adjusting their neckline to show some cleavage, or showing off their legs through their skirt's slit.
Girls can come up with a lot of creative ways to flirt subtly. Most of the time, they are hardly noticeable. However, if you'll pay close attention to how they move, you might catch some of the surest signs. If these gestures are gingerly directed towards you, then you deserve a pat on the back because she has it big for you.
9. You Feel Her Sincere Concern Towards You.

Do you feel her concern towards you? Is there a slightest hint that she cares for you? If she texts you whenever you're not around, approaches your friends to inquire how you're doing, or asks you if you are okay, she's showing signs of concern. It also means that she cares about you.
It may not be conclusive of anything, but it sure feels good to know that she'll come looking out for you or ask people about you if you'll go missing. That counts for something and might give you further hints on how to know if a girl likes you or if you're simply assuming.
10. She Doesn't Mind Opening up to You.

A girl who doesn't have qualms about opening up to you is someone who considers you trustworthy and endearing. That's a plus factor for you, especially if you're interested in this girl.
If by any chance, a girl communicates with you her hobbies, interests, fears/problems, and dreams, you may call yourself lucky because not all girls are willing to open up these things to anybody. You have to be someone special to be worthy of her thoughts and feelings.
Furthermore, it could be her way of sharing things about herself to figure out if you have a common ground. Moreover, her willingness to open up to you is a good indication that she takes you seriously; and you deserve a thumbs up for that.
In Conclusion
If you're wondering how to know if a girl likes you, turn your radar on and be more receptive to the signs. Sometimes, men can be insensitive and clueless about a girl's gestures regardless of how obvious they are. Guys' insensitivity to females' actions and visible hints is actually a stone-age fact that has been on the earth's face since the beginning of time.
It is also the reason why some girls become more aggressive in expressing their likeness for a guy.
To find out if a girl has an interest in you, try to make your own observations. Do some experiments if you must, and get resourceful. Come up with certain moves that would test her responses. This could reveal to you all the signs you need to confirm that she sees you as more than just a friend.
If you see otherwise, then all your efforts can spare you from having false hopes. If it's any consolation, acknowledging the signs that a girl likes you (or not) gives you a clear idea of how broad or slim your chances are when it comes to love, so you know exactly where you stand.
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