A soulmate is someone who feels like they were meant for you in all aspects. Despite any flaws or imperfections, they may have, you view them as someone perfect and your ideal partner. When you meet your soulmate, you will love them unconditionally, and you'll be loved unconditionally too.
It's not always easy to determine if someone is your soulmate or simply someone you have a strong connection with and feelings for. So, we've compiled a list to help you determine the signs that someone is your soulmate.
Signs that someone is your soulmate
1. It feels different.

You may have had several relationships in the past, but this one just feels different. You might not be able to pinpoint precisely what it is about it, but it's not the same as your other relationships. You might feel like you want a future with them right away or like they're right for you.
It's not even a bad thing if you can't figure out what it is about them that's making you feel a different way because that, in itself, is a sign that they are your soulmate. All you know is that you feel something, unlike anything you've felt with anyone before, which feels good.
2. It's never yours or mine, it's ours.
In a regular relationship, you may feel like certain things and responsibilities belong to you or your partner, or are shared between you. However, with your soulmate, it's different. You feel like you are one with them, and everything is shared equally between you.
You both complete each other in a way that's difficult to comprehend for those who haven't experienced this type of connection.
3. Always together.
If you feel like you always want to be around someone and spending time with them never gets boring, you might be soulmates. When you're with your soulmate, you enjoy spending time together and feel your happiest around them.
You both share positive energy, and being close makes you both even happier. Some people might think it's clingy, but when you're soulmates, it's a good thing that you both feel.
4. You feel protected.

Of course, they make you feel safe and protected physically - they will never do anything to hurt you and won't let anyone else hurt you either. But they also make you feel emotionally protected. You know that this person will always be there for you, no matter what, and will do whatever it takes to keep you safe in both mind and body.
Their priority is to keep you safe and happy because when you hurt, they hurt too. They do not do it for their own safety but because it pains them to see you suffer.
5. Constant texting and calling between each other.
If they are your soulmate, you love talking to them about anything and everything. You enjoy being in contact with them, whether it's through text, phone calls, or in-person conversations. You always want to talk to them, and you feel like you could talk to them forever without getting bored.
You're always eager to share updates about your day or make comments about things that happened, and you love it when they do the same. Time flies when you're talking to them, and even after several hours, you don't want the conversation to end. They are your go-to person to talk to about anything and everything.
6. Mutual affection for each other's families.
Your soulmate not only loves you but also loves your family. They connect really well with them because they are so connected to you. If someone is important to you, they are important to them as well, and they make an effort to get to know them fully and become close to them. They won't have the same relationship with them as you do because they are your family, but they'll have a great relationship nonetheless.
7. Respect each other's time for responsibilities.
For someone to be your soulmate, they have to fully understand you. That means they have to understand that you have responsibilities, such as work. They respect the fact that you're working, and although they love talking to you and spending time with you, they know that when you're working, your work responsibilities have to be taken care of.
8. Whatever the problem may be, you're always able to communicate.

Every relationship faces challenges at some point. Even soulmates are not immune to disagreements, but what sets them apart is how they handle their issues. In a typical relationship, communication can be a struggle, creating additional tension during tough times.
However, the depth of love between soulmates allows them to communicate effectively, discussing what's bothering them and, oftentimes, finding solutions together without prompting. Soulmates are so connected that fixing problems comes naturally and highly attuned to each other's needs.
9. Both fantasize about a future together.
Soulmates want everything together. They envision a beautiful life with one another and are aligned in all aspects of their future desires. They may not want the exact same things, but they agree on each other's desires and are both willing to make sacrifices for each other with joy.
Ultimately, they want what the other person wants because they believe it's the best for them and will bring them the greatest happiness. Soulmates don't need to have everything in common, but they must be well-aligned.
10. Everybody talks about it.
It's natural to question whether someone is your soulmate based on your experiences or observations while being with them. They may have noticed certain things as well, but it's another thing entirely when people outside your relationship also take note.
If others point out that your partner must be your soulmate after you've already started to believe it yourself, it's essentially confirmation that you are indeed each other's soulmates.
11. Time passes by, and feelings don't change.
When you're in a new relationship, you go through a phase where everything feels great, and it seems like nothing could ever go wrong. You might even feel like you're meant to be together forever. In most relationships, these feelings eventually fade over time, but when you're with your soulmate, these feelings never fade. No matter how much time passes, it always feels like the beginning of your love story.
12. You have a strong connection.

Connecting with a soulmate might be one of the strongest connections you've ever experienced. For most people, encountering a soulmate doesn't happen often, but when it does, the bond between the two of you is undeniable and incredibly powerful. It's a connection that feels so strong that you might feel like you've met them before, perhaps in another life.
The bond doesn't feel new, but instead feels very solid, and once you've established this connection, nothing can break it apart. You and your soulmate not only share a strong connection, but you also have an unbreakable bond that is unlike any other.
13. You just get each other.
This might be one of the simplest signs, but it's difficult to fully explain because it's just a feeling you and your soulmate share. You simply understand each other on a level that goes beyond words. You might feel like other people have a hard time comprehending certain things about you, but when it comes to your soulmate, everything about you makes perfect sense to them, and vice versa. The connection you share is unique, and you both have an innate understanding of each other that can't be put into words.
It's possible to encounter more than one soulmate in your lifetime, even though it may feel like they're the only one in the world for you when you're with them. But just like other things in life, some connections come to an end, including soulmates, and new ones are discovered.
However, one thing you can be certain of is that when you meet a soulmate, you'll know it without a doubt. And if for some reason you're not sure, such as if they're your very first soulmate, those around you will definitely notice the special connection that you share with them.
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