You've been chatting with her on and off for a while now. You feel like things are going well, but how can you really be sure? What are the signs she likes talking to you anyhow? This can be an often challenging part of the dating process, and it's one that you want to be sure that you know for sure.
Sometimes it's a matter of when you know, you know. You can tell that the conversation is going well and that she seems really into you. Other times however it's not that easy. It may not be as clear that she's into you, and you might feel a bit discouraged. You want to win her over, and you want to keep things going strong, but yet you want to look for some sort of sign.
Fortunately, you can tune into some rather obvious signs she likes talking to you. This is an essential part of the process because it will determine if you continue getting to know each other. Sometimes it's a matter of really paying attention to the cues that she's putting out there. Once you know what those signals are, you can focus on them and decide on your next move. These are some telltale signs that she's into you, and more importantly, that she's really enjoying talking to you.
#1. She Makes Time for You no Matter What.
It may not be as obvious as her dropping everything to talk to you, but there may be some telltale signs to uncover here. You may notice this because you are kind of feeling the same way too. If it feels as though she will stop what she's doing just to talk to you, then you know that she's feeling a certain way about you.
It may be a phone call or a text that you send, which in turn gets a positive and immediate response from her. It may be that you find that she tries to schedule time for you two to chat on the phone. If it's in person, it may feel as if she will stop other conversations just to talk to you. Again it may not always be so obvious, but you often get a feeling when she makes time for you.
She's making you a priority and clearly enjoying chatting with you, and so this is a great thing to tune into if you're not feeling quite so sure.
#2. She Asks Questions That Require a Longer Explanation.
When a woman is trying to get to know somebody, she's going to ask more investigative questions. The reality is that many women are good at asking such questions in a subtle way. You may have to really reflect on this and ask yourself if she's digging deep or really trying to get to know you. If you stop to think about it though, the types of questions that she asks are often indicative that she enjoys her time talking to you.
Here's what you want to know and focus on when it comes to the types of questions she is asking you.
- She's asking you more open-ended questions: The questions that she asks you are not simply "yes or no" types of questions. She is asking questions that force you to come up with a thoughtful reply. She is asking more open questions, which gives you the opportunity to insert personality and add to the discussion in a relevant way.
- She seems to ask questions that force you to dig deep a bit: You are both trying to get to know each other, and this is important on so many different levels. The types of questions that she asks you offer insight into what she is trying to accomplish. If you really have to think about your answers, then there's a good chance that she's trying to get to know you on another level.
- Her questions are centered around ways to really get to know you: Women are subtle about this and do a great job of trying to do a bit of investigating. She is evaluating you and trying to determine if you are worth continuing to talk to. So if her questions are focused on different ways to get to know you better, this is one of the best signs she likes talking to you. This also tells you that she wants to take things further, which is a great sign of future potential.
#3. She Laughs at Your Jokes.
Many women love a funny guy. As a matter of fact, a sense of humor often ranks high when it comes to what women want in a man. If you are a naturally funny guy, then you may already have an in. Take it one step further here—if you are cracking jokes and she's actually laughing at them, then you are in a really great spot.
You can usually tell if it's a sincere laugh or if it's fake or forced. So if she is laughing at your jokes and seems to really appreciate your sense of humor, this is a great telltale sign that things are going well.
#4. She Tries to Prolong the Conversation.

A big thing you want to look for with women is if they start to talk about the future. This doesn't mean marriage and kids, but rather future conversations or even plans. If she seems to be hinting at the future in this context, then you may be able to readily tell that she enjoys you and your conversations.
- She asks about your plans or availability before you've even left each other: If she's really starting to get into you, then she's going to want to see you more. This often comes your way as questions about your availability. This may be for the two of you to see each other, or it may just be about the next conversation. Either way, she's really into you if she talks about this!
- She seems to keep the conversation going longer than you might expect: Have you ever gotten off the phone with her and realized that you've been talking for hours? This isn't by accident, and if it happens naturally, then that's an even better indication that she's really enjoying her chat time with you.
- She brings up topics that you are sure to discuss in the future: It may be about future plans, or it may be a matter of her getting to know you better. When she brings up topics that center around the future or your thoughts in this area, then that's a good sign. This means that she not only enjoys talking to you now but also that she hopes to have many more conversations in the future.
#5. There Is Never a Lack of Things to Talk About.
You know how the first conversations are in a new relationship, and sometimes they can be downright awkward. After a while, though, when the boundaries come down a bit, it feels like the conversation really starts to flow. This is when you feel as though things are starting to click.
To take it a step further, you want to really start to notice if your conversations continue to be effortless. If it feels as though you are never at a loss of words with one another, then this can really be one of the best signs she likes talking to you. She is always noticing this because women ultimately want a man who can hold a good, compelling conversation!
#6. You Can Pick Up on a Positive Vibe.

Let's face it, most men don't really pay much attention to body language—but now is the time to become focused on this and really take it in. Her body language can tell you everything you need to know about how she feels about things. There are subtle signs that she's likely giving off that are a snapshot into her thought process. If you can check for these, then you may very well have your answer if she likes you.
- Do you notice that she smiles a lot when she's talking to you? One of the biggest indicators of positive body language is a smile. If she is smiling while she's talking to you, then she's liking how things are going. Bonus points if you can feel her smiling over the phone because that means a lot. If she's happy, then she's smiling, which tells you a lot about her feelings about you.
- Does she give off body language cues that she's happy when you're around? This is taking it a step further than a simple smile because there may be more there to pick up on. Does she lean into you as you're talking? Does she ever subtly touch your arm? Does she touch her face while she's talking to you? Does she maintain good eye contact with you when you're talking? All of these body language signs can tell you that she's way into you, and that she's closely listening to what you say too.
- Have you ever noticed her entire demeanor change when you enter the picture? She can be having the worst day, and then suddenly, her entire demeanor seems to change when you are around each other. Even if she's down and out, if she perks up when she's talking to you or around you, then you are a positive influence in her life. You want to make her happy, she wants to be lifted up, and therefore this makes for an excellent combination to show that things are going quite well.
These are the cues you really want to focus on, and truthfully they tell the whole story. If things seem like they match these cues, you want to keep things going strong. She is trying to tell you everything you need to know, and now it's a matter of being in tune with that. If you know what to look for and focus on these signs she likes talking to you, you can keep the relationship going and hopefully move forward with a great potential future.
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