It can be intimidating to start a conversation with new people. If you are shy or not comfortable around new people but want to start making new friends, keep on reading. We are going to share with you tips to help you start a neutral conversation, conversations at social events, and of course, conversations at work.
Once you know how to start a conversation, you will feel more comfortable around new people and hopefully learn how to make lifelong relationships. These relationships all start with a successful conversation.
What Tone of Voice Should You Use
Before you start the conversation, you need to figure out your tone of voice. Be mindful that the person you are about to talk to is probably also nervous like you are. You want to approach the person with a friendly attitude and a confident voice.
You want to sound like a person who is friendly, kind, and approachable. Do not bring up hectic conversation topics such as politics or religion. You want to keep your conversation light and fun.
Tips to Start a Neutral Conversation
A neutral conversation helps you get to know a person better. It is an initial conversation to help break the ice and figure out what kind of chemistry you have with the person. This is a conversation you have with someone you want to become friends with or someone you want to date.
Start With Something Neutral.
This is a classic tip to help you start a conversation. You can talk about the weather, which might seem boring at first. This is a good way to break the ice because it lets the other person know that you are trying to talk to them.
Compliment Them.
Most people are more friendly when you start a conversation with a compliment. Tell the person that you like what they are wearing, or you could not help but notice their infectious laugh from across the room.
By telling a person that they look nice, they smart, or any other compliment, you put a smile on their face. When they smile, they will feel more comfortable, you will feel more comfortable, and you are ready to carry on a conversation with someone more serious and deep.
Introduce Yourself.
Let the person know who you are. What is it that you do and let them know some of your hobbies? The one thing you need to always remember is that people do not like someone who talks about themselves all the time. They want to know who you are but give the other person time to talk as well.
You also need to be aware not to get too personal too quickly. Keep it light and friendly. Think of it like you are playing 20 questions. You get to know the person, and they get to know you.
Talk About Your Surrounding Environment.
An easy way for you to start a conversation is to chat about something that surrounds you both. You can talk about how gorgeous the building is that you are currently in or how awesome the food is that you are both eating.
This is a nice ice breaker and allows you to know what the other person's taste is. Take a moment to look at your surroundings and figure out what you like about them. Then, you can talk to the person about what you have seen, why you like it and find out what they like.
To Make Someone Laugh, Start With a Joke.
If you are the type of person who likes to make jokes and are normally awkward around someone, starting with a joke is a great way for you to break the ice. A joke allows the person to know that you do not take life so seriously and that you like to have fun and joke around.
People love a person who can make a good joke and make them laugh. They need happy people in our lives to help us get through the hard times in life.
Ask Them to Tell You About Themselves.
People love a person who genuinely wants to know about their lives. Starting a conversation about them and show that you want to know who they are is a good way to start a conversation.
It is going to start a precedent that shows that you put people before yourself and that you care. Someone will want to get to know you more if you show that you want to get to know them. It is a great conversation starter and will help build a relationship from the start that can last.
How to Start a Conversation at a Social Event

One of the most awkward conversations that people have happens at social events. Learning what to talk about will help avoid awkwardness and will give you people to talk to and connect with throughout the event.
Do You Know Someone Here?
A normal thing to ask someone will be to find out how they know some of the guests at the event. This is a neutral question that will keep both you and the person comfortable. If you know the same people, you will feel more confident talking to the person because you have the same taste as friends and people. You can even share a few stories, which will make the conversation flow, and you will share a few laughs.
Ask About Their Interests
At a social event that is designed as a work mixer or an event with like-minded people, you can ask people what it is that they like. You can bring up some great books, ask what movies they like, what series they are watching at the moment, and what type of food is their favorite.
Ask How They Know the People Who Are Currently Hosting the Event You Are At.
A great way to start a conversation is to ask the person who do they know the host. If it is a couple who is hosting, it will help you figure out which side they are from and who else they might know.
Asking this question will show that you are curious and want to know more. People love a person that shows an interest and wants to get to know someone better. Asking how they know the host will also show that you are interested in seeing them again at one of their events.
What Are You Currently Drinking?
Let's be honest for a second, it is very hard to turn down a free drink. Asking someone what they are currently drinking and buying them another drink shows that you want to talk to the person and get to know them.
If you like the person and want to possibly take them out on a date, asking to buy them a drink will show that you want to spoil them and spend your hard-earned money on them. People appreciate this gesture, and you will very seldom get turned down.
It is a great conversation starter. You can talk about alcohol and what your favorite drinks are and so on.
How to Start a Conversation at Work
You must find people at work that you connect and talk to. Work can be stressful and hard at times. You need to feel like you have someone at work that has your back and can help you through the rough times at work.
Find Out What Department They Are In.
A perfect way for you to start a conversation with someone at work is to find out what department they work in. This will open up the conversation for various topics that can transpire from the one question.
You can ask about how it is working in that department. Do they enjoy the work that they are doing and so on. This is one question that can allow the conversation to flow naturally and comfortably.
Ask Them About Current Projects They Are Working On.
People love when someone asks about what they are currently working on. If they are passionate about their jobs, they can chat with you for hours. It makes people feel like you are truly interested in their job and what they are currently doing.
It will also allow you to learn about their projects and may spark an interest in you that can one day help you for any future jobs and projects that you might have coming up.
Ask if They Need Your Assistance.
One of the best things you can start a conversation with is offering to help someone. This shows that you are a team player, eager to learn new skills, and willing to help when you can. This is a great trait to have in a working relationship because one day, when you need help, that person will remember that you helped them so they can help you.
It is a great way for you to create a positive bond with a person and show your boss that you want to help out your team. End of the day, everyone at work has the same goal, do the job and do it well. Asking to help without jeopardizing your work will put you in everyone's good books and help you start conversations with many more people.
What Time Do They Normally Go for Lunch?
If you want to get to know someone better in the office, ask them what time they go for lunch. This will give you and the other person someone to sit and chat with during lunch and show that you want to get to know the person personally.
Remember that forming bonds at work is important. You need to know who you get along well with so that in the future, when it comes to picking teams for projects or needing time away from your department, having someone at work that you get along with will make the workday go by quicker.
In the End, Try to Get One of the Following Outcomes
No matter what kind of conversation you are having, you want to make sure that the conversation ends properly.
If you want to be friends, get to know the person better, or have a colleague that you can turn to for help, you want to make sure that during your conversation with them, you get useful information to ensure that your relationship keeps growing.
1. Contact Details.
You are going to want to ask the person for their contact details. Either they will ask you, or you can ask them. It is important to keep the conversation going so that you can form a relationship.
If you are not happy staying in contact with the person, you do not need to ask and do not need to give them your details.
2. Their Social Media Information.
These days, people are not always happy to give out their numbers to people they have just met. If this is the case, let the person know that you understand and respect their decision.
Ask if you can then add them to your social media contact lists. This way, you can learn to trust each other more and still stay in contact.
3. Ask Them for Drinks After Work.
Once you have found out their work hours or you work with the person, it is always nice to ask if they would like to grab a drink after work. This will allow you both to relax, share a great drink and chat some more.
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