No matter how in love you may have been with him initially, sometimes the feeling fizzles over time. It's important to understand the difference between being angry with them, falling out of love, and realizing you may have never even been in love with them in the first place.
Being able to admit that you have fallen out of love with your partner can be a tricky thing to do, but it's for the best.
How to Differ From Being Angry and Falling Out of Love
You have to understand that being angry at your partner and falling out of love with them are very different things. Sometimes, even after you break up with someone, you still feel in love with them. Your partner could even cheat on you, but if you love them and are head over heels in love with that person, not even that will cause you to fall out of love with them.
You'll experience many emotions and lots of ups and downs in both scenarios; however, you might not have fallen out of love with them. When you fall out of love with someone, you don't care about them anymore, you wish them the best, but you don't care about them the same way you once did.
You wouldn't give everything to see this person happy, and you probably have more of a friendship relationship vs. a romantic relationship. However, when you're still in love with someone, but you're just angry at them, you'll find a way to get past your anger because you have a lot of positive feelings for them despite the issues you are having with them.
Signs You're Falling Out of Love

#1. You rather spend time by yourself.
You don't get excited to spend time with him like you used to. The idea of spending time with him seems like more of a hassle than something you will enjoy doing, and you much rather spend time with yourself or your friends than with him.
If you do spend time with him, you realize that it wasn't fulfilling and that you could have had more fun doing something else or simply staying by yourself and relaxing.
#2. You've thought about other people.
If you notice yourself checking out other people, trading glances with them, developing friendships that are a little bit flirty, or even catching feelings for other people, it's definitely not something you should just brush off. It can be normal to find others attractive when you're in a relationship, but that's all there is to it, you recognize someone else is attractive, but it doesn't make you feel anyway, and you don't crave attention or anything more from that other person.
However, if it's more than that and you're thinking about other people romantically, then you're probably not very happy in your relationship and falling out of love.
#3. You don't do sweet things for him anymore.
When you love someone, you want to do nice things for them. You want them to feel your love, so you try to show it to them even in the simplest things. Perhaps you kiss them good morning and good night, you occasionally bring them breakfast in bed or cook for them, you don't mind helping them out with tasks they need to get done, or you see something at the store that you think they'd like so you go ahead and buy it to surprise them.
These are all nice, simple things that most couples do for each other when they want to be sweet and show their love. If you do nothing of the sort but once did, it's probably because you're falling out of love with him.
#4. He annoys you more than ever.
It's likely he annoyed you before because everyone gets annoyed with their partner at some point, but if you find him particularly annoying, it could be because you don't feel the same about him, and he gets on your nerves now.
#5. You're fighting more frequently.
When you start fighting more frequently with your partner, it could very likely be because you're falling out of love with them. You're not as patient as you once were, and little things get on your nerves more than before. You no longer care to find a solution to the problem; you just keep fighting repeatedly.
#6. You look for ways to avoid him on purpose.
You're going out of your way to avoid him because you don't love him anymore, and you can't force yourself too. You don't want to fake that you're still in love with him, so you avoid him even more, all because you're falling out of love with him.
#7. Thinking about your future with him stresses you out.
You used to dream of having a future with him and building a life together, but now whenever you think about committing to him all the way, it only causes you stress. You're not even sure if you want to build a future with him, and the idea of doing so doesn't seem exciting; it seems more like something you want to push further away.
#8. You don't go on dates anymore.
The romance in the relationship isn't like what it once was. He used to take you on dates, and you used to get excited to go on dates. Sometimes you probably took him out, too, so he would feel the way you loved feeling on your dates. However, now things are different, and you've fallen out of love.
#9. He's not a priority anymore.
You used to prioritize seeing him over some of your girlfriends, but now that you've fallen out of love, you would rather see everyone else but him.
#10. You complain about him to your friends.
The little things he's doing are really bothering you, and you constantly complain about those to your friends. They might not see them as annoying things, but you do because you're not in love with him, so you're starting to find things that are wrong with him to pick a fight or cause an issue. You might not realize you're doing this, but you are, and it's because you're falling out of love with him.
#11. You don't communicate.
Lack of communication is not only cause for falling out of love but also a sign that you have fallen out of love. You don't care about keeping them in the loop, you don't talk just to catch up, and you don't communicate when there is a problem between the two of you.
Why Am I Falling Out of Love?
Sometimes falling out of love is confusing, and you don't understand why it's happening; below are some of the reasons you may be experiencing this.
#1. He doesn't give you the same amount of attention.
Things start to change when you've been with someone for a long time. He might not be giving you the same amount of attention he once did because he's gotten used to you and the relationship, so he's stopped taking care of it. The lack of attention like there once was in the beginning can definitely influence how much you love him and slowly make you fall out of love.
#2. You're bored of him.
This is also something that happens when you've been with someone for a while, and it can also happen if the person doesn't have the best personality. When someone starts to bore you, you're not going to be as interested in them, and even if you love them a lot, this will affect those feelings. If you're not having fun, or 100% happy with this person, you will inevitably fall out of love with them.
#3. Your communication with him isn't great.
This can be an issue that you will face even from the very beginning of the relationship. Lack of proper communication can cause misunderstandings and fights, and it's hard to stay in love with someone if there are more negative things about the relationship than positive ones.
Can You Force Falling Out of Love?

In some situations, you must let go of people, no matter how much you love them. They could hurt you, and you may know in your heart that the best decision is to no longer be with them, however, you still love them greatly.
This is an instance where you would need to force yourself to fall out of love with them by overcoming the relationship in its entirety and moving on. It's difficult to do this; not everyone can do it instantly.
Timing will vary from person to person and from situation to situation depending on several factors, such as how long you loved that person, how strongly you loved that person, and how quickly you can get over things like this. So yes, it is possible to force yourself to fall out of love, but it can be very, very difficult.
Wrapping it up, falling out of love can be just as scary as falling in love. It's a big shift in emotions, and usually one or both people can be very hurt by the whole situation, however sometimes it's just what happens, or what needs to happen. This shouldn't stop you from falling in love in the future. It won't work out with everyone, and sometimes the cause will be because you've fallen out of love, but you should give love a chance regardless.
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