You'll likely know when you're in love because you will begin to feel lots of emotions that you likely didn't feel before. You'll probably worry more about your partner and care about them more than you ever did once you're in love with them.
Being in love can feel different for everyone, but usually, you feel some of the same things as others, even with some variations. Below is a list of 18 signs to look out for if you're in love and haven't quite figured it out yet.
18 Signs You Love Him

1. Everything reminds you of him.
You can't help if it's something small, it reminds you of him. Perhaps you're in the grocery store and see his favorite cereal and instantly think of him, or maybe you see someone driving the same car he drives, and instantly he pops into your mind. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem, if even the littlest things remind you of him, you're probably in love.
2. You're constantly thinking about him.
How could you not be constantly thinking of him if every little thing reminds you of him? He's constantly on your mind, whether it has to do with you worrying about him being okay, or simply wondering what he's up to because you miss him, you think about him a lot.
3. You love spending time with him.
If your favorite thing to do is spend time with him, you can't deny you're in love with him. You might even feel like it's never quite enough time, because of how much you enjoy his company.
4. You always have fun with him.
It doesn't matter if you're being lazy together or actually doing an activity, you always have fun when you're with him. This may seem like a given, or you may think that it's always supposed to be easy to have fun with your partner, but that's not the case for everyone. So if you always have fun when you're together, you can take this as a sign that you're in love with him.
5. You can't stop talking about him.
You love telling all your friends and those surrounding you about him. Especially if they haven't met him yet, you can't stop talking about him because you can't wait for them to meet him. This is a sign you love him because you don't go around talking about just anyone all day, they have to be someone very special to you.
6. A long time feels like no time.
Even if you've been with him for hours and hours, you feel like less time has gone by. It's as if there weren't enough hours in the day to be with him.
7. You are comfortable around him.
It's not easy to feel comfortable around just anyone, but he makes you feel good when you're with him, and safe too. Take this as a sign that you're in love with him for sure.
8. You tell him everything.
You tell him everything, and you don't want to keep anything from him. Any news you may have, or if something exciting happens, he's the first person you want to tell. You love talking to him and having long conversations with him about everything that went on in your day.
9. You don't notice other guys.
It's human nature to notice those around you, especially when you're not too sure about the person you're with. However, if you love them, you'll find yourself only paying attention to him and not noticing other guys like you once did.
10. You know what he likes and dislikes.
Because you're in love with him, you pay attention to even the smallest details about him. You know his favorite things and what he likes the least. This could be regarding movies, food, hobbies, etc.
11. The thought of losing him is scary.
Imagining a life without him is scary, whether that means that you lose him because you break up, or because something bad happens. You can't begin to wrap your mind around not having him by your side.
12. Being with him is effortless.
Some people are difficult to be with. So much so that it truly takes an effort for you to be able to spend time with them and be with them frequently. However, when you're in love, that's not the case. You're so in love that being with him is always effortless and feels natural.
13. He makes you feel safe.
You know that when you're with him, he's going to do everything he can to keep you safe. He'll never do anything to intentionally put you in danger, and he'll do his best to make sure nothing bad happens to you.
14. He's the first person you want to talk to.
You probably talk to lots of people throughout the day, but if he's the very first person you want to talk to as soon as you wake up, it's because you're in love with him. Even if all you say is good morning, it means something to you and to them.
15. You take an interest in his interests.
When you love someone, it doesn't matter if you like what they like or not. Naturally, you'll begin to take an interest in his interests because you spend a lot of time together and you inevitably start to care a little bit about the things he enjoys.
16. You want to meet his family.
Meeting his family could be a big deal, you never know what kind of people you're going to have to encounter, and while you hope they like you, they might not. So wanting to meet his family and being ready to face whatever that entails is a good sign that you're in love with him.
17. You make big decisions together.
Making big decisions together means that you're ready for bigger things with each other. This only happens if you're really in love with him, so you can take it as a sign you are.
18. You imagine a future with him.
One of the most important signs to look out for to know if you're in love with him or not, is if you imagine a future with him. Even bigger than making big decisions together, building a life and a future with someone requires serious commitment from both parties, and you have to be in love for that to happen.
Is It Love or Infatuation?

It can be confusing to know if you're really in love, or if you're just infatuated with someone. However, keeping all of the signs previously mentioned, love is more intimate and a much stronger, deeper feeling overall. Infatuation on the other hand is only a feeling of strong attraction towards someone.
A few indicators that it may only be infatuation is if you haven't really spent a lot of time getting to know them, you're only physically attracted to them, or you're not as compatible as you may have thought.
Does He Love You Back?
If you're in love with him, you're probably asking yourself if he's in love with you and if he loves you back. Chances are, he's shown lots of signs that he is, in fact, in love with you, but he can't bring himself to say it.
This could be for a number of reasons, such as that he is afraid to say it because he's been hurt in the past, or perhaps it is too overwhelming for him and he needs to process his feelings more. The following are some of the signs you can look out for to know if he loves you back.
- He tries his hardest to make you happy. He's always trying to find little ways to make you happy, or at least to get a smile out of you. It makes him happy to see you happy.
- He worries about you. He worries about you differently, such as how something will make you feel or how you're doing if he hasn't seen you or talked to you much that day.
- He prioritizes you. He definitely loves you back if he is making you a priority. He lets you know that you come first, and he wants you to feel important.
- He would rather spend time with you than with anyone else. Although he enjoys spending time with his friends, if he's in love with you too, he'd much rather spend time with you.
- He includes you in plans involving the future. This is the best sign to look out for if you want to know if he's in love with you too. It's a big step in any relationship to include them in big life plans for the future, so if he takes your relationship so seriously that he's thinking about a future with you, there is no doubt that he is in love with you.
There are lots of signs you should keep in mind if you want to determine if you're in love or not. Remember not to rush the feeling; everything will fall into place eventually. Once you've determined if you're in love with him, look out for the signs to see if he's in love with you too.
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