Yoga is a subtle exercise that is used by many to enhance different areas of their lives. Some say it helps with stress relief, others say it helps with their digestion process, and some even report losing weight with yoga exercises.
We call it subtle because it isn’t like any other exercise out there, whereas most are rigorous and make you sweat profusely, yoga is more calming, and more about mental strength first and then physical strength after. Building up your mental strength first will always help you achieve better physical strength because once your mind is set, your body will follow.
There are some that argue yoga will help reprogram your DNA, help with posture, and also helps bring body awareness, all of this in return can help with self-confidence and social anxiety. While yoga poses and exercises seem to be some of the most natural healing methods there are, does that mean that yoga can also help improve your sex life?
Becoming more aware of your body and the way it moves, coupled with higher self-confidence will most definitely make sex more pleasurable, but how does it scientifically help with better poses and better sex altogether?
How Do Yoga Help Sex?

For starters, the yoga poses that you try out can increase your flexibility during sex and the poses you do can also double as steamy, hot sex positions. Yoga also teaches you to relax your mind and body, which will make you feel much more at ease than ever before, and a clear mind mixed with a relaxed body will always lead to some fun in the bedroom.
We also mentioned briefly how you become more aware of your body, this is because when you practice certain yoga poses you can end up in some pretty awkward positions. But learning to love yourself and relax during these poses and positions only strengthen that same feeling when in the bedroom.
Being relaxed and focused during sex, that you will learn to do when you achieve these poses during yoga, will almost always lead to a more eruptive and explosive orgasm.
Believe it or not, the feelings you get from practicing yoga poses are the same feelings that you can get during an amazing sex session. This awareness and relaxed state of mind that you achieve during yoga will play out into your sex life and only benefit you and your partner in the long run.
Yoga also increases circulation in your pelvic area which literally makes “those parts” feel much more alive and ready to go than ever before. Did we mention that yoga can help increase your libido too?
Yoga Poses to Improve Your Sex Life

First, before diving into the poses, it might be best to open up and relax your body. You can do this by contracting and releasing the muscles in your pubic area. You’ll know you’re doing it right if it feels like you’re trying to stop the release of urine.
Repeat this roughly 10 times, at about 5 seconds (or to the count of 5) each time. This will allow your body and mind to align with one another and will release any inhibitions you might have before getting into your poses.
#1 Bridge Pose

The Bridge pose is known to strengthen your pelvic muscles and pelvic floor, which actually can help reduce pain during intercourse. Not to mention, if you give good sex, chances are you’ll give it out even better next go’ round.
How do you do it?
- Lie on your back.
- Bend your knees upwards with feet facing flat on ground/floor.
- Make sure your feet are as far apart as your hips are wide.
- Lift your booty off the ground at least 5 inches.
- Place arms out underneath, keeping shoulder blades together and on the mat.
Hold this pose for at least 10 breaths and use deep breathing, in and out techniques, always keeping your butt lifted. These are a lot like kegel exercises and they keep your pelvic area super fit and tight, which obviously is going to make things much steamier in the bedroom for not just you but also for your partner!
Not to mention they’ll be so happy to stare at that ass that’s getting more and more in shape each time you do 15-20 minutes of the ‘bridge pose’.
#2 Cat/Cow Pose

The cat and the cow pose are probably the most popular pose for yoga to date, known as the stress reliever pose out of all yoga exercises. The two movements are simply just that, two yoga poses combined to make one pose. With this pose, you’ll get on all fours where shoulders align with wrists, and hips over your knees.
You start out by inhaling on all fours with your back aligned like a cow would stand, then when you exhale, you will arch your back like a Halloween kitty. Then when you go to exhale, So what is this doing? This is strengthening your pelvic floor and improving the elasticity of your pelvic floor also.
How do you do it?
- Get on your hands and knees like you’re a cat or a cow.
- Remember what we said earlier about keeping your shoulders and wrists aligned, as well as your hips and knees? Do this again, keeping your spine leveled and neutral, and balancing your weight.
- Inhale while balanced perfectly on all fours, then exhale arching your back as you go.
- Repeat as often as needed several times per day.
#3 Bound Angle Pose

The bound angle is essential in your routine if you’re looking to improve the ability to orgasm. This yoga move almost looks like a star, with the way your feet must be touching at the soles of your own feet. As awkward as it may feel, this where you’re going to start learning your body confidence from - awkward positions like this.
This move also improves blood flow to your pelvic area, which allows orgasms to be more on time and reliable, the more blood flow the area gets. This also raises your libido so you will be ready to go when it comes to that time, without foreplay.
How do you do it?
- Lie down on your back and bring your soles together, with your knees bent on the floor.
- Hold on to your toes, with both of your hands.
- As you prolong your entire body, inhale.
- Exhale while moving forward with your hips.
- Hold your pose for 10 seconds, repeat.
#4 Downward Dog Pose

This yoga move, the Downward dog, also increases blood flow which in turn always leads to better and faster orgasms. This move promotes relaxation and teaches you to breathe in deeply, exhaling all of your problems. Another benefit of the downward dog position is that it stretches out your hamstrings, and provides exercise and stretching in areas that are typically hard to get to.
How do you do it?
- Start on all fours, hands, and feet on the ground.
- Try tucking your toes while you raise your hips up and back.
- With your heels on the floor, allow your head to hang down towards your feet.
- Keep knees slightly bent so that your back is straightened out and flat.
- Inhale as you go up on your toes, exhaling as you go back down on your feet.
- Hold that position for one or two minutes, then repeat.
#5 Happy Baby Pose

The “happy baby” yoga move is one of the most popular poses there is, and one of the most relaxing. You can stretch your glutes, back, legs, and you also learn flexibility. You’ll open up your pelvic floor with this move, allowing you to become more flexible each and every time you do the move.
This yoga move is also known as one of the best missionary positions there is, once you’ve got the hang of the move, you’ll be able to use it with your partner.
How do you do it?
- Lie flat on your back, like a baby on a playmat.
- Pull your knees to your chest and relax the rest of your body.
- Grab your feet, pulling your knees to your chest.
- Inhale as you grab your feet, exhale as you pull your knees as close as you can to your armpits.
- You can do baby rocks side to side if you want, keep your spine grounded.
- Hold or rock for about two minutes, then repeat the whole process again.
#6 Pigeon or One-Legged Pigeon Pose

The Pigeon pose is considered one of the most, if not the most, mind chilling and relaxing poses there is. It’s great for your hips and will stretch your hips out leading to more flexibility. You’ll relax and focus on deep breathing during this pose which is why it is coined one of the most ‘chill’ poses there is.
**Please note: there are many different types of the “pigeon pose” and they can be achieved in slightly different ways, in slightly different poses. Please review the “sleeping pigeon pose” or the regular pose/one-legged as listed here to see if there is one that works better for you than the other.
How do you do it?
- Start out on all fours, palms on the floor and legs outstretched like you’re about to do a push-up.
- Instead of doing a push up the “normal” way, as you bring yourself down towards the floor, you’ll leave one leg outstretched and bring the other leg up under you and bent.
- As you go down towards the floor, bringing one leg up underneath you (the other outstretched) you’ll exhale, and inhale as you come up.
- Repeat about 10 times bringing in the same leg and then switch to the other leg once that rep of 10 is done.
#7 Malasana Pose

Malasana is also known as the “squat” or “garland” pose, one of the only poses where you aren’t lying on your stomach or back to practice your breathing. This is another yoga move that opens up and stretches your pelvic floor, again allowing flexibility during sex after you practice this move several times.
How do you do it?
- With your feet planted on the floor, you will squat down and make “prayer” hands as if you are about to start praying.
- Make sure your feet are at a 45-degree angle and press your elbows into your knees.
- Focus on breathing and bringing your abs in towards your spine.
- Hold for 30 seconds, then release and repeat.
#8 Eagle Pose

One of the only "standing" poses on our list, the Eagle pose is so special they even put it in the Kama Sutra. This pose also doubles for some sexual exercising, once you release your legs from the pose it begins to release blood flow straight to your pelvic area which always results in some super-steamy, hot sex.
How do you do it?
- Standing up, choose the leg you are going to start with as you will switch afterward.
- Stand on one leg and bring the other leg around the one you are standing on. Wrap that leg around your knee.
- Intertwine your arms like you have your legs almost, wrapped around one another and then stretch them up towards the sky.
- Hold your breath for about five seconds, then switch legs.
#9 Wide-Legged Straddle Pose

If you have a low sex-drive, the wide-legged straddle yoga pose is going to be one of those poses that raise your drive back up and put you in the mood without foreplay. However, you’ve got to be pretty flexible to do this move as it requires you to literally have a “wide-legged position” on the floor.
How do you do it?
- Start on the floor, lying on your stomach.
- Spread your legs apart like you’re doing a split on the floor, toes going up towards the sky.
- Inhale as you stretch out your body and then exhale as you lean forward, grabbing your toes.
- Hold for 10 breaths, repeat as long as you can.
#10 Frog Pose

The yoga move, frog pose, is a lot like the squat or Malasana pose. It improves your blood flow throughout the body and stretches out your hips, which will, in turn, improve your flexibility. This also increases your libido after practicing several times because blood will be flowing at an all-time high.
How do you do it?
- Start on all fours, knees on the floor and then palms rested on the floor also, you’ll bring your chest all the way down to the floor and outstretch your arms.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds as you try to bring your glutes to your feet, keep repeating this stretch until you feel you are done.
#11 Child’s Pose

The Child's pose is a “grounded” pose meaning that it helps keep your mind and body at a stress-free level, opening up your mind and freeing all of the inhibitions that are holding you back. You don’t have to worry about being flexible with this pose, like many of the others, and you’ll be opening up and stretching out your hips to maintain some sort of stability there.
How do you do it?
- Kneel on the floor with toes touching but knees hip-width apart.
- Have your arms stretched outward in front of you with your palms on the floor.
- As you lean down touching your nose to the floor, exhale and inhale as you bring yourself up.
- Relax in this pose for a minute or two, repeat.
#12 Corpse Pose

This pose is actually saved for last in many yoga classes, and that is mainly because the Corpse pose teaches you to let go of stress and anything holding you back emotionally, physically, and mentally. It’s even considered a mini-meditation pose as it makes you feel good inside and out, and allows you to free yourself by supercharging relaxation.
How do you do it?
- Lie on your back with toes pointed up as well as palms facing up.
- As you inhale, turn your toes and palms inward, exhaling as you point them back out.
- Stay in this pose and repeat for as long as you’d like.
Using Yoga Poses With Sex

Now that you’ve learned at least 12 different yoga poses and poses that will benefit your health and love life, it’s time to put these poses to the test. The best way to learn how to incorporate these poses into your next sexual session is just to do it. Get your partner, find somewhere private and fun, and get to work!
Start out with a simple pose, and get yourself into that position (or ask your partner to get in that position) and once they’re in the said position, your partner or you should slide yourself in underneath or around them so that you’re intertwined with them.
Try your best to keep you and your partner in that same pose and position the whole time, and just allow the way the pose moves to show you how exactly to work it during sex.
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