Perhaps you think red flags would be limited to dating or relationships, but there can also be red flags while texting someone. If you have yet to go out with this person, you'll save lots of time if you know what to look out for while texting.
What Is a Red Flag in Text Messaging?
A red flag is a warning, letting you know the other person or the messages they send, in this case, could be problematic or simply aren't putting you in a good situation. You want to avoid texting someone who shows many red flags, and you also want to avoid doing these things when texting.
Importance of Identifying Red Flags?
It's important to identify red flags to save time and trouble. Since they are something you'd like to avoid putting up with, identifying them with ease is valuable. Identifying a red flag early on, especially if you're only texting this person, and have yet to date them, will be extremely beneficial because if they show red flags while texting, they will likely show red flags on the first date, and throughout any other future outings.
Red flags That Show a Lack of Interest
There are different types of red flags you should be aware of. The following signal a lack of interest when texting:
- They take too long to answer: One thing is for them to be busy, but if you know for a fact they're not doing anything, yet they still take too long to answer, it probably means they're not that interested in texting you.
- Short answers: One-word answers, or only using emojis to answer, also indicate a lack of interest. If they could put a little more thought into how they are replying, and they repeatedly fail to do that, it's a red flag.
Other Red Flags to Be Aware Of
Although identifying red flags showing a lack of interest is what will save you the most time, below are other things you should be looking out for:
- They constantly want to know where you are. If they're concerned for your safety, then it's okay for them to be curious about where you are, but if they don't have a valid reason for knowing your whereabouts, then it's a little weird.
- They want to know who you're with. Again, aside from a safety concern, wanting to monitor who you are with is simply not necessary.
- They only text you when they want you to come over. You likely receive this text late at night, when you would rather be in bed asleep than waste your time with someone who only texts you when they want you to come over.
- They're only interested in sexting. There's nothing wrong with it if it's a mutual understanding, but if they only ever text you for that purpose, it's a red flag.
Bad Texting and Red Flags
What's the difference? There are bad texters, and there are people that show red flags left and right. A bad texter might be someone who genuinely forgets to respond, but when they do, they are eager to text you or show some interest in having a real conversation with you. However, someone who only texts when they want or need something from you, has a red flag written all over them.
- Is double texting a red flag? Double texting can be innocent. Maybe they're eager to be talking to you, excited about something, or it is simply their texting style. However, if they're coming off too strong, or being too intense by double texting, then it would be considered a red flag. It all depends on how it makes you feel and how you perceive the situation after thinking about it a bit.
- Is leaving you on read a red flag? If they constantly open your message and fail to respond, they're either horrible at texting or it's a red flag. The polite thing to do is to answer a message when you open it, so if they're not answering, you might want to get ready to consider this a red flag.
- Is an unsolicited picture a red flag? Unless it turns out to be a pleasant surprise, anything unsolicited is a red flag. Continuous unsolicited pictures with no warning can easily be categorized as a red flag.
Red Flags While Texting Girls

Below are red flags you might encounter while texting a girl, keep in mind you could encounter these red flags texting anyone but may be more likely to identify them when texting a girl.
- She talks about other guys: If she constantly talks about other guys while talking to you, this is a red flag indicating that she is not that interested in talking to you or pursuing anything serious.
- Manipulative behavior: If they are threatening to do something drastic if they don't get their way, be careful, this is likely a red flag. This is manipulative behavior.
- Cold responses: Having a cold response will never give a good impression, and it is a major red flag to be texting someone and only receiving super cold responses. They're probably not interested in you.
Red flags While Texting Guys

Once again, these are red flags that could be observed when talking to a girl as well, but you'll likely encounter these things while texting with a guy more often.
- Bad reactions: If he reacts poorly when you take too long to answer, that's not a good sign. The other person is probably busy or will naturally catch you up on why they couldn't answer. It serves no purpose to get upset over something like that.
- Doesn't text first: Sometimes, people don't like to be the first to text the other person, but if he never texts you first, you should probably stop hoping he does because he never will.
- He doesn't care to ask how you're doing: If he doesn't ask how you are, he doesn't care about what you've been up to. He's not that into you. Although there is a fine line between genuinely wondering what the other person has been up to/what's new with their life, and over asking/being nosey or controlling, it's polite to ask how someone is doing when you are texting them.
In Conclusion
Knowing how to identify red flags while texting is important because you usually text someone to get to know them, and if someone shows red flags while texting, there are likely many more red flags coming your way. So do your best to identify them as quickly as possible, and save yourself from texting someone who will only make you feel bad or question things while texting. Remember, bad texting is different than showing red flags while texting, so don't be too harsh when deciding which it is.
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