You’ve always heard how your voice sound, but have you ever considered what other people hear when you speak? Your normal talking voice is one thing, but you should also be aware that a different case happens when you engage in a conversation on the phone.
The natural pitch and sound of your voice sometimes sound different during a call, and this can either spice up your discussion or ruin your chance of enticing the person in the other line. You won’t want to end up with the latter situation.
Remember that your voice is the most significant factor to get a great impression during a phone call. It doesn’t matter how you look like in real life; what’s important is that you don’t miss your chance of captivating your date because your voice doesn’t set the right mood. So, what do you need to do? The answer is to sound sexy.
The tricky part about trying to sound sexy is that not everyone has that kind of vocal magic. While some people are genuinely gifted in the sexy voice department, most people just can’t seem to find the right way to modulate their voices into something close to alluring.
If you’re part of the crowd who’s struggling to leave a sexy impression on the phone, then you’re more than welcome to read on!
Because a sexy voice isn’t something that everyone naturally has, understanding how it works is your only way to achieve it. You need to learn about the basics of delivering a seductive tone to your voice, and we’re delighted to provide you with the details you’ll need so you can just that!
5 Tips on How to Sound Sexy on the Phone

1. Be aware of how your voice sounds.
Like what I’ve mentioned, you’ve always heard your voice; however, if you want to assess how you sound like for other people, especially those who you talk to over the phone line, you can do so by recording your voice on your phone.
At first, you may feel the need to take a step back and cringe at the sound of your own voice, but that’s only because you’re not used to doing this. It’s normal to feel odd, but you’ll get used to it as you go on.
While recording, don’t talk in a formal tone because you’ll only get to hear formal and pretentious notes from your voice. You don’t speak in a formal way when you’re setting a provocative vibe on the phone, do you?
What you should do, instead, is to talk casually and use the usual tone of your voice. A minute or two of your voice record should be enough for you to listen to and analyze what’s up with your voice.
You’ll be aware of how you sound to others, and from this, you’ll be able to point out the ups and downs of the quality of your voice. Plot down significant factors on how you talk, and start finding ways on how you can improve them.
2. Learn about the different types of voice.

As you know, people possess unique vocal qualities, and those are responsible for making their voices quite distinguishable among others. Did you know that there are about five vocal categories? From these, you should be able to identify which vocal qualities you have, and start working your way from there. Below are the types of voices you should know about:
Mouth Voice
This variation is your typical speaking voice. Using this tone will make you sound dull, monotonous, and boring. If you’re trying to set a sensual vibe, try again because this type isn’t your way to go. Avoid using the mouth voice, and find another tone that would work for you to get the attention of your date.
Squeaky and Mousy Voice
This vocal type is very high-pitched and sounds far from being mature. Some people have a fetish to such kind of tone, but for others, this may only seem appealing at first, and irritating afterward.
Croaky Voice
To get an idea of the sound of such a voice, imagine how a person sounds after smoking too much cigarette or drinking too much soul-warming alcohol like whiskey. This voice typically sounds rough and husky, but the truth is it’s the scale between the sounds of raspiness and deepness. This may sound odd for some, but others get deeply interested when their date has this voice.
Nasal Voice
People with a nasal voice usually sound as if their voice is coming from their noses, and not from their mouths and diaphragms. People who have an acquired taste to the sound of this may find this voice attractive, but there’s also a possibility that others will find it piercing and annoying.
Raspy Voice
This type of voice is what most people define as husky. To give you a clearer idea, think about how Batman sounds like or how you sound when you just woke up in the morning. A raspy voice is usually rough and deep, and most people find it easy to be attracted to those who have this vocal quality.
Among those, which vocal quality does your voice fit in best? Distinguishing in which category your voice belongs to is a great start to determine the next steps you should take to sound sexy on the phone.
3. Relax before you start speaking.

Speaking ecstatically can overwhelm the person you’re talking to. If you want to set a steamy vibe, then drop your excited tone and save it for another time. The case is also the same if you’re too nervous during a phone call. Avoid jumping right in the conversation without calming off your nerves; you’ll only end up throwing your chances out the window.
Before engaging in a conversation with your date, take the time to relax and be calm.
Being in this state will help you gain a stable ground so you’ll be able to control the factors that affect how you speak; these factors include your breathing rate and your vocal muscles.
If you sound too shaky, it will only show that you’re worrying too much. The worst thing to happen will be your date losing interest on you, and you won’t want that to happen!
4. Tone down your voice.

Talking loudly will only distract your date, and with this, you can bid farewell to your chances of building up a sensual mood. Speaking with a high-pitched voice tend to make you sound that you’re uncomfortable or anxious with having a conversation with the other person, and this will leave you with a bad impression.
Lowering your voice, on the other hand, will let your date know that you’re trying to get into an intimate conversation with them. If luck is on your side, you’ll leave your date wanting for more, and that will be a good thing for the both of you.
A trick to improve this is to include selective whispers on what you’re saying. You can try to choose strategic keywords that you’ll tell in a hushed way, or you can talk in a low voice at the start, and end your words with a whisper.
For much better execution, you can also do this while imagining that you’re whispering things directly on his ear so you could get the vibe of the intimacy of the conversation, as well.
5. Speak slower than your usual pace.

When you speak too fast, it will often reflect that you’re too nervous for the conversation and that you’re using your speed to finish off your connection. Another thing that this will result in is your date losing interest on you because they have a hard time to keep up and stay attentive to everything you’re blabbing about.
Speaking fast will also cause you to mispronounce words, and that will only turn off your date. While having a fast pace in speaking will make you sound bubbly, that’s not an appropriate mood to set when you want to sound sexy on the phone.
Speaking on a slower pace will help you organize your thoughts and let your message flow from your mouth on a much clearer note. This way, your words will make much more sense, and you’ll be able to make a stronger connection with your date. Additionally, this will help you avoid stuttering and placing you both in an awkward moment.
Some people have the magic of having a sexy voice, while others don’t have that factor. If you think that you don’t possess such qualities, you don’t have to be stuck on the gutter and think that you’re hopeless. Being open to tips and techniques will help you develop your own way of having a sexy voice on the phone.
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