Women have several ways to attract men, mostly because they have many features that can appeal to them. They may not need to do much, and men can be drawn to these traits. It's not always about a woman intentionally using these features to attract, but rather because the man naturally finds them attractive. Keep reading to learn more about these features.
1. Eyes.
You don't need a particular eye color to attract men. All men have different preferences, and some will find your eyes very attractive. Eyes can greatly vary due to ethnicity and cosmetics. Certain men may be drawn to a specific appearance in terms of eyes. They might prefer eyes of a certain shape or color and might even favor a specific makeup style.
2. Hair.
Hair comes in a wide variety of colors and styles. Some men love curly hair, while others prefer straight hair. Some may find a particular hair color more appealing, while others may not care about the color but find it attractive when it's styled a certain way or simply smells good.
If you want to use your hair to attract a specific man, find out his preferences and try to incorporate that style or use a shampoo he loves the smell of. It makes sense that men find hair attractive, as women often put effort into styling it, especially for a date night.
3. Sense of humor.
While this isn't a physical feature, it's an important characteristic in women. Most men appreciate a woman's sense of humor. Men enjoy women who are funny, someone they can joke with, and who don't take everything too seriously. They want to have fun in various ways with the woman they are attracted to, and sharing laughter is one of them.
4. Hands.
It might seem surprising, but many men find hands appealing. Hands may seem basic, but several factors contribute to a man finding them attractive. For instance, some men might have a predilection for jewelry, and if they notice you're wearing rings, they'll immediately consider your hands attractive.
Although you might not think they'd notice such details, most men appreciate well-manicured hands. This implies your nails are well-maintained and could be nicely polished or simply natural and clean.
5. Clothing or sense of style.
Many men pay close attention to this. Typically, they're attracted to a woman whose style aligns with theirs. For instance, if they're sporty and frequently wear athletic clothes, they're likely to find a woman wearing athletic gear attractive, even outside the gym or physical activities. On the other hand, someone who doesn't wear athletic clothes unless they're at the gym may not find that as appealing.
Men can also be attracted to tighter or baggier clothing depending on personal preferences. Nevertheless, most men can agree that they appreciate a woman who knows how to dress well, always looking clean and put-together, regardless of what she's wearing.
6. Personality.
Personality is another characteristic that can be incredibly attractive, even though it's not physical. When a woman lacks personality, lets others make all decisions for her, doesn't have her own opinions, or is more of a follower than a leader, men may find her less appealing.
Positivity, politeness, and general niceness also play a significant role in shaping her personality. Even if a man is physically attracted to a woman, it typically isn't enough to pursue something meaningful if he isn't also attracted to her personality.
7. Smile.

Several factors contribute to making a smile an attractive feature. The first is teeth. Good hygiene is crucial. This doesn't mean you need to constantly whiten your teeth, but keeping them clean is important. Another key aspect is to keep your lips hydrated. The perfect smile often combines nice lips and teeth, so strive to maintain both as best as possible.
Finally, particularly for those who don't show teeth when smiling, find a lip color that makes you feel confident and adds an extra touch. With a smile like that, any man is bound to find yours attractive.
Remember, if you're hoping to kiss the man you want to attract, you might want to avoid lip gloss or other lip products that could deter them.
8. Curves.

Many men appreciate a woman with curves. While not all men may find it attractive, a majority will. So, if you have a curvier body, learn how to embrace it and use your curves to your advantage.
9. Height.
Height can be an attractive feature to a man, often based on his own height. Many men prefer a woman who is shorter than them, and this preference will determine whether he finds your height attractive or not.
10. Good skin.
Your skin doesn't need to be perfect to be attractive to a man, but it should look healthy. Not all men will notice or appreciate healthy, radiant skin, but many don't realize it's a feature that contributes to their attraction.
When presented with a photo of a woman with skin imperfections like scarring or acne, and a photo of a woman with flawless, glowing skin, other features often become secondary. In such cases, the man typically chooses based on skin quality.
11. Clean teeth.
Besides contributing to an attractive smile, many men find women with nice teeth particularly appealing. They recognize that well-maintained teeth enhance a smile. Clean teeth also indicate fresh breath, which all men find attractive.
12. Seductive voice.
This might be more specific and not as commonly considered by men when listing attractive features, but it unquestionably plays a role, even if they may not realize it. A seductive voice can appeal to a man, especially in intimate situations. Once he recognizes this as a feature he enjoys, he'll keep an ear out for it when meeting new people.
13. Intelligence.
Men are very attracted to intelligent women. There are different types of intelligence, and if a woman possesses a bit of each, that's when they often find her most attractive. This includes financial intelligence, academic intelligence, common sense, among others. Some things might seem basic, but not everyone is knowledgeable in all areas.
- Do all men find the same features attractive? No. Everyone is unique. What one man finds attractive, another may not. For example, some men prefer tall women, while others prefer shorter women. Attractiveness greatly varies based on personal preference, and different men will find different features attractive.
- Do all women possess all of the features listed? No. Most women don't embody all of the features mentioned above. No one is perfect; some women may have a great smile but lack a great sense of humor, and that's okay.
- What if a woman doesn't have the features a man finds attractive? It's completely fine if you don't have all the features a man finds appealing; you certainly have some of them. It's not necessary to check off all the boxes, although it's a bonus if you do.
Some men know exactly what they find attractive, while others may not, or their preferences may vary greatly from person to person. If you want to enhance your attractiveness to men, review this list.
Recognize the qualities you already possess and set goals for those you aspire to have. Remember, attractiveness isn't just about what features you do or don't have, it's also about the man who's interested.
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