You might have sensed that something is a bit off with your girlfriend of late. She might be acting weird. This moment she seems perfectly fine, and the next moment she is as cold as ice. The two of you used to spend a lot of time together, but that is not the case anymore.
These days, she has all kinds of excuses to be away from you. What might be the problem? Is she cheating? Has she moved on? The truth is, you might never know until it is too late. Don’t be caught off-guard.
The following are some of the signs that a girl will show when she is cheating on her boyfriend.
Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

Life isn’t a bed of roses. The notion that love is a Disney fairytale with a happy ending is a fat lie that we all need to embrace. There are good moments and bad moments. Today, we are going to look at the thorny side of a rose.
Below are 9 signs that your girlfriend is cheating on you.
1. Her Dress Code Has Suddenly Changed

If you find that your girlfriend suddenly cares about her appearance, be warned that this might be a red flag. I am not implying that you should be concerned when your girlfriend suddenly changes her wardrobe.
She might be doing this because she wants to embrace a new sense of fashion. But if she is putting too much effort into her looks, especially when she is ‘going out with her girlfriends,’ it’s time to raise an eyebrow.
Does she dress like this when the two of you are going out? Does she ask for your opinion on how she looks anymore? If the answers to these questions are no, you should read this article to the end to find out if there are more red flags of cheating.
2. Does Your Girlfriend Invite You When She’s Out With Her Friends?

The chances are high that you know a few of your girlfriend’s friends. You might even know her colleagues or the work out mates that she never stops talking about after her gym sessions. She probably used to invite you to her job functions as a plus one.
Maybe she used to ask you to accompany her for picnics with her friends when their boyfriends tagged along. Does this happen anymore? When was the last time she invited you out? Is it before or after she started acting cold and weird? Only you can be honest enough to answer these questions.
3. She Never Puts Her Phone Down

If you find that lately, your girlfriend never puts her phone down, you might want to know why. The most prudent thing to do after noticing this is to ask her why she is so absorbed to her phone of late. You should also check for other signs such as:
- Does she laugh or shy off when she is looking at her phone before typing?
- Does she keep her phone in other rooms while you are together?
- Does she keep her phone on silent or on airplane mode when you are together, and this was not the case before?
- Does your girlfriend have all sorts of passwords on her phone?
- Does your girlfriend get upset when you pick up her phone?
If you have answered “yes” to three of the five questions above, you have a reason to be concerned.
4. She Keeps on Talking About ‘Her’ Future

If your girlfriend used to talk about the kind of house that you should live in, the number of kids that you should have, or different holiday destinations that you should consider going to, but she does not anymore. It’s time that you watch her tone.
Be keen on her word choices when she is talking about her future or her plans. If you find that she has replaced the word “we” with “her” or “my,” you should make an effort to find out the direction your relationship is taking.
For instance, if she used to say that, “we should plan for our summer holiday,” and now she says something like, “I should plan for my summer holiday.” It’s high time you figure out how you can save your relationship if it’s not too late.
5. Is Your Girlfriend Suddenly Jealous?

I do not know if you know this, but most people tend to be suspicious of other people’s activities if they are engaging in the same activities. A lawyer will most likely know a fellow lawyer by how he or she behaves or by choice of words he or she uses. The same applies to most professions. We can apply these scenarios to life in general.
If your girlfriend is suddenly jealous for no reason. If she is continuously accusing you of cheating and you are giving her all the attention in the world. If you involve her in your every move and she still looks at every female around you with green eyes, she is most likely cheating, especially if this was not the case before.
6. Is She Too Busy for You?

If your girlfriend used to make time for you. Or if she used to go out of her way to make sure that your calendars were in sync and now she does not, try to find out why. Is she really busy, or is she making mere excuses? Try and find out from her what she is doing or where she will be going during your “we” time.
You can request to make video calls while she’s away, even if it’s for a few minutes to make up for your ‘together time.’ If she mostly makes up all kinds of excuses not to, you are probably not her boyfriend anymore.
7. Does She Get Furious When You Ask Questions?

If your girlfriend has picked up the habit of flying off the handle when you ask her simple questions like where she has been or who she has been hanging out with. It’s time to ask yourself if you are in a ‘one-man relationship.’ A caring and loving girlfriend will not mind updating you about where she is or who she is with.
8. She Is Keeping to Herself

Your girlfriend might be busy most of the time. She might be clocking in long hours at work and at the same time, try to balance her private life with her public life. Mostly, her schedule might be full, which is very understandable.
However, if you have noticed that she is keeping to herself or that she does not share the things or the little details going on in her life like she used to, there might be a problem.
Maybe she used to call you every day after work to update you about how her day was. She might even have shared some of her problems with you in hopes that you will help her solve them. If this is not happening anymore, then the chances are high that someone else has replaced you.
9. Does Your Girlfriend Keep You Away From Her Friends?

Ladies are very open when they are comfortable with someone. They will tell you about their insecurities, their dreams, and go as far as introducing you to her closest friends.
When you first started dating, she seemed very outgoing, and she introduced you as her boyfriend to every person you came across. Does this happen anymore? If not. Then you have a reason to be worried.
Ladies tend to keep their boyfriends or soon to be ex-partners away from their friends if they have a side relationship cropping up. As earlier stated, ladies are open and comfortable with people they trust. Such people include their friends.
They share every tiny detail of their lives, including gossiping about the annoying neighbour living down the street with their friends. So, if your girlfriend has a new crush or if she has fallen out of love with you, the chances are high that her friends already know about it.
If you notice that she has been giving all kinds of excuses to keep you away from her friends, know that she might be cheating on you, and she does not want you to find out the truth from her friends.
Do not panic or jump into conclusions when you find that at least three signs discussed in this article match the signs of your relationship. Instead, try to be open with your girlfriend and tell her about how you are feeling. Discuss how you could make things a bit better so that you do not feel left out.
However, if you find that there are at least 5 signs that match your relationship and your gut tells you that your relationship is rocky, know that your girlfriend might be unfaithful to you. After all, why did you read this article to the end? Be honest with yourself.
Ricky Turner
Jan 8, 2020, 12:44 am
I hate to say it but I feel like my lady is cheating on me and after reading these signs, I’m pretty sure she is. But I know not to accuse her just out of nowhere and instead I gotta ease into it nonchalantley and see what she feels like. I’m getting the vibe because she is getting more and more jealous of everything just like you posted in the blog. Usually that means they’re guilty and she was never like this before. I feel like this just kind of proved it.