If we lived in a perfect world, every man would hit and date the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately, not all of us are good at picking up girls. Most guys luck the basics of picking up girls.
The confidence of approaching a hot girl that you just spotted in a mall, club, or bookstore is mostly low-this is a big mistake. Most times, we tell ourselves that a sexy girl who has just swept us off our feet is beyond our league or we fear being rejected.
Today, this article will teach you tried, tested, and proven techniques of approaching the apple of your eyes. After you are done reading this, you will be a smooth operator, maybe even more successful than King Solomon. This guide is meant to help even the unluckiest men master the art of seduction.
You will no longer get negative feedback from every girl you approach. Asking out a girl who has impressed you will be a walk in the park if you apply what you are going to learn from this article.
So, what are the basics of attracting and picking up a girl anywhere? Below are tips that will never let you down while approaching a lady you are attracted to.
Change Your Mindset

The difference between alphas and shy guys is that alphas have a different mindset. It’s not that they are wired differently from shy guys; the trick is that they view things and think differently from the average Joe. They have a winning mentality from the word go. Alphas make it their mission to never take “no” for an answer.
If you start thinking positively about the things that you want, including the stunning lady who seems to be a challenge, you will attract what you want. It all starts with your mind.
Tune it to never think of the worst that could happen. Instead, start thinking of what you will lose if you don’t make your move as soon as you get the opportunity to approach a lady.
Broaden Your Horizons

As said, alpha males think differently. They know that they are not limited to approaching girls in clubs alone. They embrace the art of diversity. They are always prepared to make their move anywhere, including workplaces, social clubs, supermarkets, and libraries.
If you want to get an ideal lady who suits your wish list, you must identify where such a lady mostly hangs out. For instance, if you are sapiosexual, you most likely get a bookworm in a library. Going to the gym, hoping to meet such a lady limits your chances of coming across a nerd.
Learn to Read the Signals You Get

Learning to read signs written on the wall is simple. If you spot an attractive lady with a ring on means that she is probably married or engaged. Don’t waste your time and energy approaching her because the chances are high that your efforts won’t bear any fruits.
The same case applies to women who don’t hide their sexuality. If a girl dresses and behaves like a lesbian, she’s most likely a lesbian. If she makes it clear that she does not do men, respect her stand, and move on with your life, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Be Yourself

One of the things that turn off a lady is a fake person. Pretending that you are who you are not won’t do you any good. It does not matter if you are perfect at playing the ‘faking game.’
The truth is if you pretend to have personalities that are not yours, the truth will finally catch up with you, and things will be ugly. You’ll not only blow your chances of dating the girl you are attracted to, but you will also be labeled as a dishonest person not worthy of a girl’s trust.
Don’t Unload Your Baggage to a Girl You Just Met

If you get the attention of a lady you are attracted to, never unload your baggage to her simply because she’s kind to listen to whatever you have to say. Doing so shows that you are needy.
Women hate needy men. They all want a confident man who will help them get through their challenges, not a guy who does not know how to deal with his problems.
Perfect Your Body Language

Other than using word of mouth for communicating with a girl, non-verbal cues are crucial in getting a message through to whoever you want. Learn to make eye contact with a girl while talking to her without coming out as a weirdo.
Smile as often as you can to show her that what she’s telling you is amusing. Speak clearly without hesitating or mumbling. To show a lady that you are interested in what she’s telling you, lean in slightly to show her that she has all your attention.
Learn to Be Confident

Women love confident men because they give the impression that they know what they are doing and where they are heading in life. Show a girl that you are confident by speaking to her audibly. Bring up topics that you are good at.
If she brings up a topic that you are not familiar with, do not be ashamed or hesitate to tell her that you are unfamiliar with what she is talking about. When you get yourself in such a situation, smartly change the topic by asking her about things such as her interests or her opinion about a particular current event.
If you are shy, practice talking to strangers at places such as bus stops and malls and you will tame your shyness.
Always Be Ready to Start a Conversation

Approaching an attractive girl is one thing, and talking to her is a different ballgame. Learn to think quickly about the things that you will tell a girl once you have approached her.
The things that you say within the first 40 seconds will determine if she will talk to you or not. Once you approach a lady, introduce yourself, and say something that will make her smile. Putting a smile on a girl’s face is the first step to starting a decent conversation.
Learn the Art of Complementing

Girls like an affirmation from everyone. They want to be told they are beautiful or smart. If you genuinely think that she has a lovely dress, do not hesitate to tell her that her dress elegantly fits her.
Compliments are not only limited to physic. You can tell her that you love her way of thinking, and she will be happy to talk to you.
Build the Conversation

Never approach a girl expecting that she will initiate a conversation. Start a conversation that you think she will be interested in. Talk about current events or fashion. You may approach her and say something like, “you have a gorgeous body, are you a model?”
Notice that by saying this, you are not only initiating a conversation, but you are also complimenting how she looks. She will be flittered, and she will not hesitate to respond to you. If you lack things to say, you may ask her about her opinion about a particular situation.
While talking to a girl, remember to be as genuine and as sincere as you can. Never agree with everything she says if you beg to differ. Disagreeing with her will allow you to speak your mind.
You might challenge her school of thought in the process of politely disagreeing with her, and in the process, you might impress her.
When talking to a girl, you just approached, Avoid turning your conversation into an interview by asking questions such as where she works, what her favorite meal is or if she is interested in sports.
Always make your that you engage a girl in a conversation that she will most likely enjoy. Give her the opportunity of revealing things about herself. Never dominate the conversation.
Use Humor

Humor is a universal language that everyone understands. When a lady finds you to be funny, you will get all her attention because she wants to hear more from you. Avoid making sexist jokes because most girls find them to be offensive. Always make jokes that are non-discriminatory.
Ask for Her Number

Asking a girl you just had a conversation with is the first step of sealing your deal. Find a smart way of asking for her number. Tell her that you like how she carries herself and that you would be interested in hanging out with her.
Don’t Play Desperate

If a girl gives you her number, it means that she wants to hang out with you. After getting her number, tell her that you have to leave to attend to a few matters. When you arrive home, do not call her. Wait for a few days before calling.
Calling her after a short while shows signs of obsession, and ladies hate that. When you wait a few days before calling her, you will make her wonder if you are interested in her, and the moment you call her, she will be more than happy to talk to you.
Know How to Target

Alphas know how to target the girls they are interested in. They know how to identify the right girls before approaching them. For instance, when you want to pick up a girl from a club, do not approach the shiny ones partying on the dance floor.
Target the girls who are seated without company. If you want to approach the girls jumping up and down all over the dance floor, wait until they take a seat before making your move.
Grab the Opportunity When It Presents Itself

Most guys miss their chance when it presents itself because they do not know how to read basic signs girls show. In the jungle, male animals know how to identify female animals that are on heat before mating with them.
Their ability to read signs of heat is what makes them get a suitable female to mate with. The same applies to humans. There are signs that female show a male when they are interested in them. Very few girls will approach you and tell you that they like you.
Look for the basic signs. For example, when a lady constantly bites or touches her lips when you have been out together for a few dates, she wants you to kiss her. If she continually touches her neck or chest, she is signaling you to notice something such as neckless she has. Tell her that her piece of jewelry is fantastic.
Invite a Girl to Your Home

Most guys make the mistake of not inviting a girl over after they have known each other for a while. Not inviting a girl to your home makes her question you. Girls wonder why they are not invited to a guy’s home, and they start making conclusions such as you have a wife. Invite her over for a meal or a movie, and things might move to the next step.
Don’t Use Cheesy Pickup Lines

Ditch the cheesy pickup lines you’ve crammed. They do not work with all girls, and some find them to be corny. However, if you have a strong pickup line game, do not hesitate to use a few pick-up lines where appropriate and at the right moment of a conversation.
Make Girls Compete for Your Attention

Girls are attracted to men with high social status. This is the reason why they opt to date men with social influence or men who drive flashy cars. When a lady finds out that you have various options, she will look for ways to get your attention because it seems like you have not noticed her.
Making a lady compete for your attention is among the best pick up line technique an alpha will ever use.
In as much as attracting and picking up girls seems like an uphill task to most men, approaching and getting the girl you are attracted to is a simple process if you follow the rules discussed in this guide.
If you embrace and master these rules, being rejected will be a thing of the past. Sticking by these rules will see you attract many girls that you will be spoilt for choice. Remember, to be an alpha, start acting like an alpha right now, and you will notice a difference in your life sooner than later.
Paul the alpha
Dec 28, 2020, 9:15 am
The three things I got out of this: Confidence, Compliments, and being an Alpha male. I know girls like alpha males because my last couple of relationships told me that I was too much of a beta soy boy and needed to either work out more or be more of a man. I need more confidence really though is all I need and I’ll be an alpha again. So after searching endlessly online for something to show me and tell me what to be - I find it here and it’s as simple as just becoming my old self again, which was a confident alpha male that got all the ladies. I lost alot of confidence along the way because of my weight but that’s all going to change now. I’m ready to start picking up hotties again. It’s been too long. Thanks for the good read, time to go put this to good use.