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How to Get Him to Chase You

Claire Ramos

Has someone caught your attention, but you don't want to approach him? Most women want men to chase them and make the first move, so they don't have to. If you think that's the case for you, you'll learn all about it below.

Why Do You Want Him to Chase You?

When you're getting a guy to chase you, you should know why you're trying to get him to chase you. Is it because you really like him and you're interested in dating him, or is it for entertainment? Determining why you want him to chase you will help you guide the chase accordingly.

For example, if you're trying to get him to chase you simply because you want attention from a guy because you're bored or feeling lonely, you won't want to try so hard to achieve that. However, if your end goal is to eventually date him, you'll want to ensure he is chasing you persistently so he'll want you as much as you want him.

Why Is It Appealing to Have Someone Chase You?

Is it appealing to feel chased by men?

Between two people that show romantic interest in each other, there is usually someone who does the chasing and someone who is being chased. It's not often that they chase each other. Perhaps you've noticed that you like being chased after, however you are not sure why that is. Below are a few reasons you find this appealing.

It makes you feel wanted.

Having someone chase after you means they are interested and want you so much that they put effort into chasing you. Having someone show so much interest in being with you or getting your attention can be nice because it makes you feel wanted, and who doesn't like to feel wanted?

There is less risk involved.

When you're the one being chased, there is less risk involved because you're not risking your time and effort to catch the other person's interest as much as they are. Sure, you have to seem interesting and appeal to them for them to want to chase you in the first place, but unlike when you're the one doing the chasing, you won't be so disappointed if it doesn't work out.

It is easier.

It is a lot less stressful and, therefore, easier to be the one being chased. When you're doing the chasing, you have to think of ways to be able to catch the other person's attention, which can be tricky. For this reason, it is much easier when they are more interested in you than you are in them.

How to Get Him to Chase You

Steps to get him to chase you.

Although there are lots of perks to not having to be the one doing the chasing, as mentioned above, you can still have some strategies in place to make sure you get the guy you want to chase you to do so. Here are some things you can try to make sure that he wants to chase you.

Become accessible.

If you want him to chase you, he is going to need a way to be able to contact you and start making a connection with you. If you already know each other, and he has a way of contacting you, this doesn't apply. However, if he doesn't have a way to reach you, you need to provide one. You could try finding a reason to talk to him, perhaps introducing yourself and finding an excuse to give your number.

Don't exchange information if you want him to chase you. It is important for him to be the one with your information so that the ball is in his court, and he has to make the first move, initiating the chase. If you also have his information, he may be expecting you to reach out, which would ruin the plan.

Let him know you're single.

He must know you're single. You'll want to let him know in a subtle way, possibly by briefly mentioning your ex or something about how your friends are trying to help you find a good guy, etc. It's important that you find the right time and the perfect way to bring this up so that you only do it once because if you mention it too many times, it might seem like you're too interested in him, and he might think you're chasing him.

Give mixed signals.

Mixed signals are your best ally when getting him to chase you. It's important not to overdo it and avoid giving mixed signals constantly. For example, you can compliment him about his outfit, haircut, or something else while keeping your cool and not making it so obvious that you're into him.

He'll be confused because you've shown an interest in something about his person, yet in a cool and collected way, which will immediately make him want to figure out if you said that because you're into him or because you were being nice. This will initiate a chase to find out which it was, and if he's willing to chase you to figure that out, he has to be interested in you.

Flirt with him.

Getting a guy to chase you requires making yourself desirable to him. Be flirty, so he knows you're interested in him, and he'll likely reciprocate his interest by chasing you. Try things like maintaining eye contact with him even from across the room as you approach him, and play with your hair while you interact. If you do those two things, he'll definitely know that you're being flirty with him.

Pretend you're busy.

You can do this in a couple of different ways. For example, don't text back immediately all the time. If you take a while to text back and he's already chasing you, you may notice him double texting or trying to find an excuse to call you because he wants to talk to you and you're not texting back.

You can also try not answering his calls on the first try or letting it ring for a little bit before you do. It'll have him wondering what you're doing that has your attention more than him, and he'll be desperate to have your complete attention, guaranteeing that you'll have him chasing you.

Make sure he knows there could be someone else.

He shouldn't think that he's the only one on your radar. If he knows he might have some competition, he'll definitely be interested in stepping up his chasing game to be the one who gets you. Even if there really isn't anyone else, it would be beneficial for him to think that there is.

Post on social media.

Being active on social media gives him little hints about your whereabouts and what you're up to. You can pair this with many of the points mentioned above to make him chase you even more. For example, you might be grabbing lunch with a close guy friend, so you post about it and tag him.

The guy chasing you will think there might be someone else, and then he may ask you out that same day. Another instance in which this would help you seem more desirable to chase is posting about how busy you are and all of the activities you have going on. This will make you seem busy, making him want to get your attention even more.

Play hard to get.

Playing hard to get is a great way to get a guy to chase you because they want to feel like they've won and have gotten exactly what they wanted. Be careful, and don't go overboard when playing hard to get. He may think that you're not interested or that he has no chance with you, which wouldn't be good either.

Don't chase him.

When trying to get a guy to chase you, you'll want to avoid chasing him at all costs, even in the slightest. If he thinks you're chasing him, he may lose all interest in being the one doing the chasing because he knows for sure that you're willing to chase him, so why would he put in the work of chasing you as well, if he already has you chasing him.

This is why, whatever you do, if you want him to chase you, you must make sure you allow him to do so by following all of the previous tips.

As you've gathered from all the tips mentioned above, the key to getting a guy to chase you is to almost seem like you don't care if he's after you or not while also showing a little bit of interest when he does start chasing you, to achieve the perfect balance of mixed signals required to get him to chase you.

Remember, if your personality doesn't allow you to act like this because you're very outgoing, extroverted, or tend to be too direct right away, it's better to take action and tell him how you feel instead of missing out on the opportunity to do so.