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13 Signs She Is a High-Maintenance Woman

Claire Ramos

What Is a High-Maintenance Woman?

A high-maintenance girl is someone who does not live a simple life. She strives for the best of everything, but not in a way where she wants to be the best version of herself, more so in a way where she wants to seem like she is the best at everything and has the best of everything to others. She cares a lot about what other people think of her, and everything she does will always be to benefit herself.

Signs She Is a High-Maintenance Woman

Signs of a high-maintenance woman.

1. She never carries her wallet with her

A high maintenance woman will never have her wallet with her. She believes that she shouldn't have to pay for anything herself, and not only expects you to offer to pay for her, but that you will do it regardless if it's your idea or not.

Typically, in most relationships, the man tends to want to pay for the woman he is going out with as a kind gesture, however it's not an obligation for this to happen. A high maintenance woman will make sure that you know it will always be an obligation to pay for her if you take her out.

2. She likes and gets attention

She strives when she is receiving attention and is in desperate need of it when she's not receiving it. Lucky for her, she tends to get a lot of it. This is due to the standards she has for her appearance and because her personality does not allow her to go unseen. She wants to be the center of attention, no matter what, even if it's a scandal.

3. She compares you with other men

If her exes had better things than you or more than you have, you should be shocked that she even bothered to get to know you. She only expects to receive more and more in life, and if you don't match what she had previously, she will constantly compare you to the men that used to be in her life.

She might point out that he used to take you out more or buy you nicer things or how you used to live in a bigger house with him. She is very materialistic and cares a lot about that kind of stuff. 

4. She's always well-dressed

She always has to be the best-dressed person in the room, expect nothing less. She's up to date with the latest trends, and you'll rarely see her wearing the same thing twice. It's a bonus if her outfit causes people to talk and give her more attention, so it wouldn't be odd to see her in something risky or scandalous.

5. She always asks and doesn't give

She cares more about getting what she wants than ensuring others have what they want. She will always feel comfortable asking for more than she needs and for whatever it takes to get what she really wants, and she'll never worry about making sure to give back to those around her.

She's the kind of person that will gladly receive a gift, but she'll very rarely worry about getting something for someone else. The same thing applies when it has to do with a favor. She can ask for all the favors she needs, but she'll never do anyone else a favor.

6. She cares about what other people think of her

She is too caught up in what others think of her that most of her choices are based on what others want to see her doing. She cares a lot about what people will say about her and their opinion of her, even if it doesn't really change anything.

7. She thinks she's better than everyone else

This could easily be confused with having high self-esteem, but in reality, she's just fooling herself, and she actually seeks everyone's approval to feel like she's better than everyone else because she actually has low self-esteem.

8. Her wants and needs come before yours

Similar to how she is always more concerned about asking for what she wants and never asking others what they want, she also cares more about her needs. She will always prioritize meeting her needs and won't check to see if you have everything you need.

Being in a relationship with her, you won't feel taken care of or like you have someone looking out for you. Instead, it'll feel like everyone has to worry about themselves, which isn't really what a relationship is about.

9. She needs to be in control

High-maintenance women need to be in control, or at the very least feel like they're in control. This is because a high-maintenance woman wants everything to be done her way or no way, and she wants to know exactly how things will play out. Nothing is left to fate for someone who is high maintenance, and they need to be in control.

10. She complains a lot

If she complains a lot, you may want to check and see if she shows any of these other signs because high-maintenance women are very good at complaining. They complain so much because nothing is ever good enough for them. Oftentimes, they need things to exceed their expectations to even be considered good enough.

It's not only difficult to please a high-maintenance woman, but it's difficult to make sure that she is happy enough with what she has, just so she doesn't complain. This is one of the most difficult qualities to overlook because you will have a very difficult time ignoring it, and it will affect you significantly.

11. She's never wrong and blames everyone else

Even if she knows she messed up, she will not take the blame for anything. Everything can always be someone else's fault the way she sees it, and she'll make sure everyone else thinks that too.

This is another one of her greatest faults because she will never be able to own up to her mistakes, even if they're with the person she should trust the most, her partner. This can lead to many relationship issues and become an obstacle in the relationship.

12. She cares a lot about her social media

High-maintenance women are very concerned with their social media. They care tremendously about what they post, how often they post, the kind of interaction they receive on that post, and that everyone sees what they're doing at all times.

They live for social media and make decisions based on what they can document for social media or if it's even good enough to share with the world. If it's not cool enough for social media, it's not cool enough for them. If people on social media are bashing something, they instantly hate it too, even if it was once something they loved. They're influenced by the online world.

13. She doesn't like doing things herself

Perhaps one of the most obvious signs that she is high maintenance is that she doesn't like doing things herself. Everything is a hassle, and she needs help with everything. Some people are proud to be able to do everything themselves, but she can't do even the simplest tasks on her own.

Should You Date a High-Maintenance Woman?

Is it a good idea?

Few benefits come with dating a high-maintenance woman. One benefit is that you'll likely look much better than when you first started dating her, not because her sense of style has rubbed off on you, but because she expects you to look good if you're going to be seen with her.

Although this could be seen as another way she tried to control you to make sure her status and looks weren't affected, if it doesn't work out, at least you benefited from it. Another good thing about dating a high-maintenance woman is that she will push you to be better.

Again, this likely isn't going to be because she actually cares about you and your self-improvement, but it's something you can be thankful she influenced because now you are the best version of yourself. As you can see, there are few benefits, and none of them start with a true intention of impacting you positively on her behalf, so you might want to think about it long and hard before deciding to date a high-maintenance woman.

They're very difficult to please, and they're only interested in what's best for them, not you. In the end, it won't work out if what you're looking for is a life partner. However, if what you're after is fun, and you can afford to have her around, then go ahead.

Bottom line, you need to think twice about dating a high-maintenance woman, and you definitely shouldn't go into it thinking that you're going to change her. She is too concerned about herself and what people think of her, and she likes it that way. She enjoys complaining, getting everyone's attention, and only thinking about herself, it's simply the way she is.