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9 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating on You

Rick Harper

Dealing with suspicions of cheating is never easy because you do not know where your relationship stands. Cheating is the ultimate betrayal. It’s an example of love gone sour.

When your spouse cheats on you when you have given them your all, it’s like handing a knight in a shining amour a brand new bronze sword only for them to stab you in the back with it immediately after hugging you. How’s that for betrayal? Quite close to the biblical Judas-Jesus betrayal.

Not cool, right?

If you cannot trust your boyfriend when it comes to honesty, then you cannot trust him with the things that matter in your life, including your future.

At times, ladies might find themselves dealing with feelings of jealousy when it comes to their men. It’s natural for females to protect what they love. However, you need to be able to differentiate jealousy to when you are being taken for a ride with your boyfriend.

Never overlook the signs of cheating. It’s reasonable to set your emotions aside and let logic guide you when you are suspicious about your boyfriend. As a relationship expert, a lot of ladies come to me for advice about their relationships. Most of them are insecure, while a few of them are dealing with cheating boyfriends.

When a lady comes to me for professional advice about her relationship, I tell them to take their time so as not to jump into conclusions. However, if you spot any of the following signs, it’s better to put an end to your relationship before your boyfriend rips your heart out of your ribcage and steps on it repeatedly right in front of your eyes. Now, let me show you the signs of a cheating boyfriend.

9 Signs of a Cheating Boyfriend:

1. Your Boyfriend Avoids Intimacy

If your boyfriend avoids intimacy.

Do you feel unappreciated by your boyfriend? Has he been avoiding getting intimate with you? Maybe he has had a long day at work. Or perhaps he’s not in the mood. To really know if your boyfriend is cheating on you, you have to study his patterns. Is he always tired even during the weekends or when he’s not at work? If so, this might be a sign that he is cheating on you.

Men avoid getting physical with a lady if they have fallen out of love with them. However, your boyfriend might avoid getting intimate with you if he has found someone else, and getting groovy between the sheets makes them feel guilty.

If your boyfriend is having sex with another girl, you will notice that he does not have the same passion when he is touching or kissing you. Simple things like avoiding eye contact when you are about to kiss tell a lot about your relationship.

2. His Dating Profile Is Active

Check if he's active on his dating profile.

You might have dated for a few months or a few years with your boyfriend; then you suddenly note a change in his behavior. This might prompt you to ‘stalk’ your boyfriend’s online social media or dating platforms.

Has his profile changed from “in a relationship” or “engaged” to “single?” If that is the case, he might be trying to market himself to other singles.

If, after you met, he deactivated his dating app and all of a sudden, it’s back, your boyfriend might be tired of your relationship, and he might be looking for a new catch if he has not found one yet. If you also note that he has installed a dating app that was not there before in his smart gadgets, be warned that he is about to cheat if he has not started doing so yet.

3. He Requires Privacy

He requires privacy.

Although we all need some privacy every once in a while, some things could point out to infidelity. For instance, if you notice that your boyfriend no longer charges his phone in your bedroom and he instead leaves it in other rooms while you are asleep, this might be a sign that he is cheating.

If he also has too many passwords for every communication app on his smart gadgets, this might be a sign that he has some conversations with someone else that he does not want you to find about.

If you become too suspicious about his online activities, try going to his phone’s or computer’s browser history. If he always clears it after browsing, he might be cheating on you.

4. He Hides His Finances

He hides his finances.

Your boyfriend might be a very transparent man. He might be the type who does not shy away from sharing his bank statements with you. He might be the type who comes home with receipts of each of his expenditures.

If that’s the case and he no longer shares this kind of information with you, it’s high time you start questioning why his behavior has changed.

Men who reveal how they spend their income to the last coin do so because they have nothing to hide from their partners. However, if you notice that this habit has changed, you have to find a way of knowing how he spends his money.

He might be going out for dates with a different lady. Maybe he is buying her flowers, dresses, jewelry, or other expensive gifts that he doesn’t want you to find out about. If you need to find out his expenditure, do so in a gentle manner. You might even ask him about it in a way that does not seem like you are digging up dirt on him.

5. He’s Picking Up Fights With You

He is picking up fights with you.

If your boyfriend usually is calm and collected and jovial most of the time and he suddenly wants to pick up fights with you, automatically know that he is stressed or that he is cheating on you, and he wants to find a reason to break up with you.

If he is easily irritated even by the slightest of things that you do, including the accidental ones, be warned that he wants to engage you in a verbal fight so that he might find a reason to dump you. By continually engaging you in arguments, he is looking for ways of ending your relationship in a way that will not make him look guilty.

6. He Does Not Say, “I Love You” Anymore

He doesn't say i love you, anymore.

This point reminds me of a song by Cherish called “Unappreciated.” Below are some lines of the chorus:

“…..he won't do the things that he used to do, he doesn’t even say I love you too, and lately, I’ve been feeling unappreciated…”

When a man cheats on a woman he used to love, his actions will change, and you most likely notice this. For example, your boyfriend might have stopped hugging or holding hands with you in public. This is because he embarrassed with you or because he feels guilty about something.

If he used to say “I love you too” whenever you told him “I love you,” and now he doesn’t say the magical words, the chances are high that he might have fallen out of love with you or that he is emotionally involved with someone else.

7. His Daily Routine Has Changed

His daily routine has changed.

Is your boyfriend the type who wakes up, takes a shower, takes breakfast, and then drives off to work? If so, you probably know the time he does this and the time he gets back home from work. If he suddenly gets up early for a “morning run,” which takes a couple of hours before he gets back home to leave for work.

Or if he is coming home 2-4 hours late after leaving his workplace every day without a justifiable excuse, your boyfriend is probably in an affair with someone else.

8. He Gets Mad When You Ask Him if He Is Cheating

He gets mad when you ask him if he's cheating.

Although asking if someone is cheating is not a random question, you certainly expect an answer to your question. When you ask your boyfriend if he is cheating and he starts screaming around, making a mountain out of an anthill, he is probably guilty as charged.

At times, people who are guilty of something they are doing tend to overreact when confronted about it. However, this does not mean that if he smiles, looks at you deep in the eyes, and says, “no honey, I’m not cheating,” gives him a get out of jail card from your suspicion.

He might be an expert in cheating as well as lying. To really know if your boyfriend is cheating, you have to have a couple of reasons other than asking if he is cheating.

9. There Are Clear Red Flags

There are clear red flags.

There are some signs that no woman should ever ignore if they become suspicious about their boyfriend’s activities. For example, if you find a particular color of lipstick on his shirts every day.

Or if you smell an exact feminine perfume on his shirts every time he comes home late and acts funny, this is a sign that your man is spending more time and getting intimate with another lady.


Your boyfriend is not a saint. Do not read this article, notice a sign or two, and then go pouncing on him as a leopard does to its prey. Take your time and study his moves before making a conclusion. However, if you find that 80% of the things discussed here match the situation in your relationship. You have a reason to be concerned.